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Ijaaza Celebration In Atlanta, Ga... Ustadh Khalil Abdur Rashid

 Risala has its first Ijaaza Program, (9 Shaban 1432 A.H.)  and there are 14 recipients of different levels of scholastic



 achievement.  Seven of the recipients are women and the other seven are men, who have sacrificed their time and resources to achieve this level of study.  This program is important in so many ways, Islam is beginning to take a very serious foothold  in the American society, and therefore it is very important that we establish institutions that reflect that level of growth.  The Ijaaza program is one such program that certifies the knowledge level of the individual, and that knowledge can be traced all the way back to the Prophet Muhammad. (pbuh)  Not only is it a process of certification, it is a process of training scholars that will be familiar with the culture of the American society, and will be able to apply the Islamic fiqh according to the needs of this society. 

The program begins with the recitation of the 99 names of Allah by Imam Suliamaan Hameed of Commerce, Ga.  Once the stage is set for this auspicious occasion, Sheikh Khalil Abdur Rashid,  and the recipients come into the Musalla. Sheikh Khalil opens with the traditional praising and thanking Allah, and sending prayers and blessings on our Beloved Prophet Muhammad.   Sheikh Khalil reminds us that this is the first ceremony of its kind in the city with the majority of its recipients being born in America.  This in and of its self is a milestone.  He reminds us that he is standing here performing this service because of those who came before him, who’s shoulders he was able to stand on. Just to mention a few who he called by names, Imam Munir Kashlan,  Ajir Bilal Mahmud, Sheikh Dia , Ustadh Dr. Abaas,  of the department of Islamic Studies at Georgia State University, and last but certainly not least Ustadha Zaynab Ansari.    He thanked Allah and them for making this possible.  He also reminded us that we are witnessing firsthand the traditional method of passing on the sacred Islamic knowledge from one generation to another.  This method of transmission is the life line for the preservation of the Islamic way of life. As Ustadh Khalil went on to explain the the Ijaaza is a license or a permission to pass on the Islamic  knowledge.  In Islamic academia it is the highest form of certification that is traceable all the way back to our Beloved Prophet Muhammad.  He reminded us that the certification that the west now uses and depends so heavily on was derived from the Islamic Ijaaza process.  So, once again, the West has much to thank the Muslim world for.  He also reminded us of the importance of educating our wives, sister, and daughter, because they have been the primary source of all of our knowledge down through the years.  Most of our first teachers were our mothers.  In the Islamic culture the institution of Ribaat was established to insure that this process continued among the women of the Muslim Ummah.



In the closing of the program Ustadh Khalil traced the Isnad of each of his teachers all the way back to the Prophet Muhammad. 

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Recipients are : 

Men                                                                                                        Women

Atiba Jones                                                                                               Sabura Griffin

Ahmad Ferguson                                                                                       Huma Faruqi

Azaibi Tamin                                                                                             Slma Shelbayyah

Jamal Hysaw                                                                                             Fatimah Abou-Harb

Tariq Ameer                                                                                               Hafsa Abdul-Hakeem

Muhammad Mendes                                                                                 Mariyam Abdul-Hameem

Rami Abdoch                                                                                                                             Jameelah Abdur Rashid




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Views: 593

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on July 13, 2011 at 3:04am

ASA. I am sorry I could not attend the Ijaaza program. Please convey my congratulations to Br Khalil Rashid and all the  recipients. May Allah put Barakah in their efforts and make them a source of good for the community.

Dr.Y. Khalid Siddiq

Al-Farooq Masjid of Atlanta, Ga.


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