Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

Dedicated to disseminating news & information not found in mainstream media....

          Oppressed Peoples Online Word

    Dedicated to disseminating news & information not found in mainstream media.....



الله غايتنا . الرسول زعيمنا . القرآن دستورنا . الجهاد سبيلنا . الموت فى سبيل الله أسمى آمانينا

Allah Is our Objective (Our Lord) , The Messenger of Allah Is Our Leader, The Quran Is Our Constitution, Jihad Is Our Way, The Death For The Sake  Of Allah Is Our Highest Aspiration...


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Oppressed Peoples Online News and Information Updates 

P.O. Box 1241, Conley, Ga. 30288-7018

 02 Ramadan   ,  1433  A.H.


Dear Brothers, Sisters , Friends, Neighbors

Sometimes  things happen in our lives that, at the moment , may seem catastrophic.  But, we know from our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) “there is good in every situation”.  About 8 year ago, one such incident  occurred in my life.  I could have capitulated, but my faith in Allah, and my knowing that I had no reason for such action, did not allow me to pursue that course.  Instead I challenged my accuser and took the fight all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.  (Full Story Bilal Mahmud)   The journey was a long and difficult one,  one in which I could have lost everything that I have worked so hard for over the past 40 years. 


During that journey I came to realize how important it is to have a “voice, or an advocate”,  when difficult  time come our way.  I learned firsthand how important it is to have any level of press coverage to let the world know of your  plight or situation.  I would like to personally thank all those journalist who were there for me, and gave my story some life and kept it in the news.  I thank all those Muslim organizations that gave me coverage and stayed by my side until the end. 

As we said our Prophet taught us that there is good in every situation.  From my ordeal I became interest in journalism and the propaganda machine of the anti Muslim and anti Islam media.  From that I began to blog under the name of “Oppressed Peoples Online Word”.  Since we started this effort we have began to establish a brand name of OPOW, when people from all over the world come to our site to get information that is not found in the mainstream media.  Presently (July 2012) we are getting hits from 75 countries around the world and about 1233 visits from those places. New visits are up 68.86%. Page Visits: 3416  This would not be possible without each of you.  Again we want to thank each of you for all you are doing, and have done to help make us what we are today. 

That being said, as you all know , any endeavor we embark upon incurs expenses in order to sustain its existence.  The law of economics is no different for us at OPOW.  The past year has been a success and we pray that the coming year will be better.  We have many ideas that we would like to see  become a reality.  In order for those ideas to become a reality we will need your help financially.  We are now in the month of Shaban ,  leading up to Ramadan.  For the next  32 day we will be doing a fund raising to insure that the same kinds of articles and videos will continue to come your way.  We do not charge for this service, but your  help is needed  very much.  We suggest that you become a member of Oppressed Peoples  Online Word, that way you will receive many of our post direct. 

No amount is too small nor is no amount to large.  We thank you in advance for your generous donation.  How do you donate?  Just go to our site  http://oppressedpeoplesonlineword.ning.com/ and click on donate.  The link will take you directly to our PayPal link.  We also ask that you tell 3 friends about us and ask to them  to also contribute to this effort.  This is a Dawah effort that is very important during these very difficult times  in America for Muslim.  Again no amount is too small, $5, $10, $20, or what you can afford.  Again thank you very much!  Together we can do this!

May Allah give you a good reward in this life and in the hereafter. 

Your Brother in Islam,


         Bilal Mahmud


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Mission Statement Of Oppressed Peoples Online Word

O.P.O.W. Email:   oppressedpeoplesonlineword@gmail.com


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Crisis In The Horn Of Africa Pictures 1432 AH



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                  OPOW NEEDS YOUR HELP




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O.P.O.W. Email:   oppressedpeoplesonlineword@gmail.com 

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