Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

Dedicated to disseminating news & information not found in mainstream media....

"Oppressed Peoples Online Word" ......The Voice Of The Voiceless...

We at Oppressed Peoples Online Word are constantly attempting to pass on what we think to be

OPOW Presents Imam Omar Suleiman

                         Ajir  Bilal Mahmud Executive Director of Oppressed Peoples Online Word
useful information related to Muslim and Non-Muslim around the world.  We now live in a truly global community, when what happens on the other side of the world does affect us within seconds.  That being the case we as citizens of the world should do our best to stay abreast of what is happening around the world.  Sometimes that necessitates our coming out of our comfort zones for a little while to take in information that is important to our development. 
We in no way claim to be "The Source" of pertinent information, we do our best to present another view that is most of the time not presented in the mainstream media.  It is not our intention to defame or insult anyone or any group of people, our objective is to present just another perspective of what is happening, that just might help us in our paradigm shift to a more correct view of world affairs.  We welcome your comments and criticism. And most of all we welcome your financial support to enable us to do this work on an on going basis... please consider donating to : 

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In the end...we aspire...
To Allow The World Community The Opportunity To Come To Know The True Condition Of The Oppressed People Of The World,  No Matter Where They May Be.... Or Who They Are

9 Dhal Hijjah 1445 A.H.


Thank you,
Bilal Mahmud


Oppressed Peoples Online Word 

Your Voice Since 2010

The Voice Of The Voiceless...A People Without A Voice Can Not Be Heard!

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  اللهم إني أسألك خشيتك في الغيب والشهادة،
   بلال  محمود   : اجىرك

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O.P.O.W. Email:   oppressedpeoplesonlineword@gmail.com



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Views: 546

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on August 4, 2024 at 5:41pm
OPOW Needs Your Support/ Donation QR Code

Updated 9 Ramadan 1445 A.H.
Please consider becoming a sustaining donor at $10.00 per month.

Oppressed Peoples Online Word

Your Voice Since 2010
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