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Why did I Renounce Ahmadiyyah by Dr. Ismail A. B. Balogun A former high level Ahmadi

Why did I Renounce Ahmadiyyah
by Dr. Ismail A. B. Balogun A former high level Ahmadi

"...I must say, before God and man, that the more I  scrutinized the claims and purported references for them,  the more I discovered that the Ahmadiyyah Mission is  deceiving the world and playing on the ignorance of many of  their followers."

In a series of articles published in Nigeria during 1974,  Dr. Ismail A. B. Balogun, a high level Ahmadi leader,  refuted the tenets of Ahmadiyyahand publicly denounced the  Movement he had been born and raised in. A Professor of  Islamic and Arabic Studies at the University of Ibadan,  Algeria, Dr. Balogun had dedicated his life to the cause of  Ahmadiyyah and had raised through the ranks to become a top  spokesman and ambassador for the Movement. Throughout the  years, his well articulate and emotional speeches had  motivated many young Ahmadis. Similarly, his public  departure and the commotion and debates that pursued caused  many educated individuals to realize the truth and  abandon Ahmadiyyah.

Allah accept the repentance of those who do evil in  ignorance and repent soon afterwards; to them will Allah  turn in mercy: For Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom.  (The holy Quran, An-Nisa, 4:17)

Subsequently, Dr. Balogun documented the reasons for his  withdrawal from the Movement and included some of the  ensuing debates in a book entitled "Islam versus Ahmadiyyah  in Nigeria". In this book, Dr. Balogun disclosed how he, as  many other highly educated individuals, had blindly accepted  Ahmadiyyah out of loyalty to his parents, misinformation  disseminated by the Ahmadi leadership, divisive methods of  the Indo-Pakistani Ahmadi missionaries, and other subjective  reasons having more to do with propaganda and cultural  habits than the truthfulness of any movement.
Dr. Balogun recounts his upbringing and his blind faith in  the Indo-Pakistani Ahmadi missionaries in the following  passage:

"In my Childhood, I was brought up to revere the  Indo-Pakistani Ahmadiyyah missionaries who guided and  controlled our religious activities. When the mission came  to our elders and, through the elders to us, we believed all  that they told us in toto, because of the implicit  confidence we had in them.Their preaching appeared plausible  to us and we accepted their arguments in good faith. They  made references to Islamic books in order to substantiate  their claims and we accepted the references without  cross-checking them because of our confidence in them.

Their method was to alienate us against the orthodox Muslims  in whom they found faults in the way they practiced Islam.  The missionaries claimed to present "the true Islam" to us  in the name of Ahmadiyyah.

They often impressed on us that the stiff opposition, which  Ahmadis suffered in India before the partition and  subsequently in Pakistan, was a conclusive proof of the  truth of Ahmadiyyah. After all, no prophet is readily  accepted in his own town or country. This also appeared  plausible to us, hence we followed them with unalloyed  confidence." (Sunday Sketch, Nigeria, Sept. 29, 1974; Islam  versus Ahmadiyyah in Nigeria, p. 85-86)

Over a quarter of century ago, Dr. Balogun had accurately  identified the strategy employed by high level Ahmadi  missionaries to misguide the uninformed. Not only the  missionaries do not publicize a complete picture of their  doctrine and history, but also they distort the teachings of  Islam and attempt to exasperate and capitalize upon  sectarian division among few ignorant Muslims.

Dr. Balogun testified:

"Even though Ahmadiyya has been in this country for close to  sixty years, I make the bold to say that, up till now, the  vast majority of the adherents of the organization, within  both the Movement and the Mission, are still in the dark  about the details of its teaching, as well as its purpose.  For example, it was only very recently, when stiff  opposition to Ahmadiyyah started to rear its head in this  country, that certain high-ranking Ahmadis knew for the  first time that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed to be a Prophet."  (Sunday Times, Nigeria, Jan. 20, 1974; ibid., p. 3)"[The  fact that Ahmadis hid their true doctrine from the  membership at large is] evident in the fact that when one of  the young educated Nigerian Muslims, who originally invited  the Movement here, went to Britain for further studies and  thereby came in contact with Indian Ahmadis, who resided  then in Britain, he studied them at first hand and returned  home only to withdraw his membership of the Movement. This  was the late al-Haj L. B. Agusto of blessed memory." (Sunday  Times, Nigeria, Jan. 20, 1974; Ibid., p. 2)

Indeed, since its very inception, the Ahmadi leadership has  relied upon the well-proven methods of the Christian  Missionaries to alienate the uninformed individuals from  knowledgeable and sincere Muslims and selfishly increase  their membership. They know only too well that the  descendants of individuals somehow tricked into joining  their organization are generally less likely to renounce  their membership, even after they discover the truth.

Truly they found their fathers on the wrong Path; So they  (too) were rushed down on their footsteps! And truly before  them, many of the ancients went astray;- (The holy Quran,  As-Saaffat, 37:69-71)

Dr. Balogun records that, when in 1974, the Pakistani  Government and the Muslim World League both declared the  Ahmadiyyah to be a non-Muslim group, he set out in earnest  to defend the Movement he was born into and prove its  truthfulness. However, his scholarly and thorough research  into the teachings of Ahmadi leadership untangled a  disturbing web of deceit and left him with no alternative  but to denounce the Mission. This finding is even more  significant since Dr. Balogun, even though a high level  Ahmadi and a Professor of Islamic Studies, had himself been  kept in the dark for over forty years.

Regarding the authenticity of the alleged references and  interpretations provided by the Ahmadi Missionaries, from  the Holy Quran, books of Hadith, and the writings of Muslim  personalities, to lend the appearance of support to their  various claims, Dr. Balogun wrote:

"My aim [in cross-checking the references offered by Ahmadi  missionaries] was actually to strengthen myself against the  gathering opposition to Ahmadiyyah. As a University scholar,  I was conscious that my pronouncement in support of  Ahmadiyyah must necessarily be backed with authentic  references to Islamic sources.In my cross-checking of the  Ahmadiyyah missionaries' references, however, my findings  were rather disappointing.

Consequent upon my first article on the Ahmadiyyah problem  in Nigeria (Sunday Times, 20 January 1974), the Ahmadiyyah  Mission members wrote extensive rejoinders which gave me a  further opportunity to examine, independently, more  Ahmadiyyah claims and views than hitherto.

I must say, before God and man, that the more I scrutinized  the claims and purported references for them, the more I  discovered that the Ahmadiyyah Mission is deceiving the  world and playing on the ignorance of many of their  followers.

In many cases, they quote authors [scholars] who are  explicitly opposed to Ahmadiyyah ideas; but so cleverly do  they quote that they often give the impression that the  authors support Ahmadiyyah views.

Examples of such distortions abound in the quotations made  by Dr. Bhutta in his rejoinder (Sunday Sketch, 8 September  1974) to my article. It may interest the readers to know  that Dr. Bhutta is himself a Pakistani Ahmadiyyah medical  missionary.

It is only by going to the source references and reading  what the Ahmadis had quoted within the context in which they  are set that the reader, and the seeker after truth, will  realize how much the Pakistani Ahmadiyyah missionaries try  to deceive the world." (Sunday Sketch, Nigeria, Sept. 29,  1974; ibid., p. 86-87)

In support of his statements, Dr. Balogun researched,  exposed, and refuted many of the deceptive and false  arguments used by the Ahmadi missionaries to deceive the  uninformed. For instance, he wrote:

"In order to buttress their claim about Khatam-un-Nabiyyin,  the Ahmadis often quote the mystic Shaikh Muhyiddin Ibn  'Arabi as saying, 'The Prophethood that was terminated with  the person of the Prophet of Allah(SAW) was no other than  the Law-bearing Prophethood, and not Prophethood itself.'  (Futuhat al-Makkiyyah, Vol. II, p. 3)This quoted statement  appears on page 3 of the book, which contains over 700  pages. The book does not stop at the statement concerning  the matter of Prophethood. On the contrary, it explains  further at length, covering eleven pages, pages 252 to 262  inclusive, in the same volume, the different aspects of the  Prophethood.

He says, among other things, that Prophethood exists among  both animate and inanimate objects. With regard to human  beings, he classified the Prophets into two: law-bearing  prophets and follower prophets. He explains the functions of  each category and concludes in both cases that, with the  coming of the Prophet Muhammad, both categories have ceased  to appear.

He says that what would remain for Muslims after Muhammad  are speculators (Mujtahids) who would strive in their own  different ways to explain the Shariah to the people  according to their understanding of it. Such Mujtahids, he  says, will NOT be called Prophets (Ibn Arabi, al-Futuhat  al-Makkiyyah, Vol. II, pp. 254 and 255). This is certainly  known to the Pakistani Ahmadi missionaries, but they hide it  from their followers deliberately in order to entrench their  own false idea on Prophethood...

Another example of the distortions by the Ahmadis for their  selfish ends is contained in their official rejoinder to my  article already mentioned.

On page 5, column 2, of Monday 11 February 1974 issues of  The Truth, the Ahmadiyyah Mission quoted the following in  support of the Prophethood of the Promised Messiah: 'There  is no discrepancy between the two, that he (the Messiah)  will be a Prophet and a follower of the Holy Prophet(SAW)  for the purpose of explaining the commandments of his  Shariah, and to strengthen its way, even though he does so  through his revelations.' (Mirqat Sharh Miskat, Vol. 5, pg.  564)

This quotation has been extracted from the explanation of  the Hadith in which the Prophet Muhammad had declared that  there would be no other Prophet after him.

Indication. The Hadith, which is contained in Mishkat al  Masabih, reports that the Messenger of God said to 'Ali,  'You are in the same position to me as Harun (Aaron) was to  Musa (Moses): except that there is no prophet after me'. The  Mishkat reports also that authentic books of Hadith are  agreed on this tradition.

Now, in commenting on this authentic Hadith, Imam 'Ali Qari,  who was deceitfully quoted by Ahmadis, says:

"In the commentary of Muslim, some scholars say concerning  his [the Prophet's] statement 'Except that there is no  Prophet after me,' that it is an indication that whenever  'Isa b. Maryam [Jesus Christ] descends, he will descend as  one of the arbitrators of this Community inviting people  with the Law of Muhammad(SAW), and will not descend as a  Prophet.I say that there is no inconsistency in his being a  Prophet and being a follower to our Prophet(SAW) concerning  the explanation of the rules of the Shariah and the  improvement of his way even with revelation to him, as  indicated by the saying of the Prophet: 'If Moses were alive  he would have no choice but to follow me.'

That is even though he is described as a Prophet and a  Messenger; and in the absence of both of them (Prophethood  and Messengership), there will not be any additional  attainment.

Interpretation. So, the meaning is that there will not be  any new Prophet after him because he is the Seal of all the  Prophets that had gone before.

In it (the statement) is an allusion that, if there were to  be a Prophet after him, it would have been 'Ali; and it is  not incompatible with what has clearly been related  concerning the right of 'Umar because the decision is  hypothetical and suppositional.

It is as if he (the Prophet) says: 'If there were to be a  Prophet after me, a group of my Companions would have been  Prophets; but there is no Prophet after me.'

This is the meaning of the Prophet's(SAW) saying: 'If  Ibrahim had lived, he would have been a Prophet.'

As for the Hadith, which says, 'The scholars of my Community  are like the Israelites Prophets', memorizers like Zurkashi,  Asqalani, Damiri, and Suyuti have clearly said that is has  no basis."

This quotation is from the same book and on the same page  referred to by the Ahmadiyyah Mission. That is: 'Ali  al-Qari, Mirqat al-Mafatih Sharh Mishkat al-Masabih, vol. 5,  pg. 564.

It is clear from the quotation that the Mission has  extracted what they thought would support their erroneous  view from a commentary which, taken together, is explicitly  opposed to the view. This is in order to give the impression  that the author supports their idea.

In educated circles, such act is an errant distortion of an  author's view and thought. It contradicts the international  law of copyright. It is, indeed, unacceptable as well as  unbecoming of a mission that wants itself to be taken  seriously.

From the Islamic point of view also, it is an abominable  act. Consider, for example, Quran 2:59 [also 7:162], which  says, "The transgressors changed the statement from that  which was made to them; so We sent a pestilence from heaven  upon the transgressors, for their having gone astray.' A  food for thought indeed for the Ahmadis!" (Sunday Sketch,  Nigeria, Sept. 29, 1974; ibid., p. 91-95)

It is those who do not believe in the Signs of Allah that  forge falsehood: it is they who lie! (The Holy Quran,  An-Nahl, 16:105)

No sooner had Dr. Balogun unearth such evidence and  discovered that the doctrine of Ahmadiyyah was contrary to  the authentic teachings of Islam, that he and many others  abandoned the Mission and embraced Islam. These fortunate  individuals were blessed with the capacity to differentiate  the Truth from Falsehood and the sincere faith to prefer  Allah(SWT) and His Messenger(SAW) to the position, prestige,  and life-style they had achieved within the Organization.  Truly, they were the recipients of guidance from  Allah(SWT).

Subsequent to such public expositions, Dr. Balogun became  the subject of personal attacks by many senior Ahmadi  missionaries. For instance, Molvi Ajmal Shahid, then the  Amir of Ahmadiyyah movement in Nigeria, provided an  extremely short reply in which he expressed his dismay at  the "spiritual death of a brother (ibid., p. 97)" and Moulvi  Naseem Saifi, the chief Ahmadiyyah missionary for West  Africa, confirmed that Dr. Balogun had been very close and  high in the administration and expressed his sadness that  Dr. Balogun had abandoned Ahmadiyyah in favor of Islam  (ibid., p. 99); other Ahmadi missionaries questioned his  public withdrawal and, in an attempt at damage control,  advanced a number of unbecoming and unproved accusations. In  clarification, Dr. Balogun responded:

"I could have raised all the points in this article with  them (e.g. the Indo-Pakistani Ahmadi leadership) internally  without any publicity; but experience has shown that such  criticisms will automatically earn the critic either a  long-term boycott or an outright excommunication. With any  of these, no other member will be prepared to listen to  him... I have stated my point of view, God is my witness,  purely because of my awareness of the responsibility  incumbent on me towards my fellow Nigerian Muslims in  particular, and the world Muslims at large. My intention is  not to oppose Ahmadiyyah; I have lived in it long enough to  have a soft spot for it in my heart. But that  notwithstanding, whenever a clash of opinion arises between  Islam and Ahmadiyyah, it behooves me to declare for Islam  without mincing words." (Sunday Times, Nigeria, Jan. 20,  1974; ibid., p.17)"Furthermore, instead of being crossed  with me, calling me names and making all sorts of  conjectures about me because of my renunciation of  Ahmadiyyah, let the Nigerian Ahmadis take my exposition to  their Pakistani missionaries for verification or denial.
Assertions. If they deny my assertions, then demand from  them the Arabic books (not Urdu translations) from which  they took their quotations. Then, let independent Arabic  scholars translate the relevant sections within their  context.

If I am proved wrong, let my father reject and disown me,  and let the Ahmadis collectively curse and "crucify" me. But  if I am proved right, then it becomes incumbent on all  Nigerian Ahmadis, including my relations, both by blood and  affinity, to reconsider their association with Ahmadiyyah,  pray fervently to God Almighty as I have done to show them  the way of Islam and help them to follow it." (Sunday  Sketch, Sept. 29, 1974; ibid., p. 96)

Naturally, the personal attacks levied against Dr. Balogun  had nothing to do with the issue at hand and had been  orchestrated solely to confuse the naive. In truth, the  deceptive methods of the Mission had been exposed and  independently verified by a number of individuals. The  damage done to the Mission was so great that it had to  disband. Many Ahmadis reorganized under the name of  "Anwar-ul-Islam Movement" and rejected the unIslamic  doctrines which the Ahmadi leadership and missionaries had  propagated and sustained through their distortions and  misrepresentations of the authentic teachings of Islam  (Daily Times, Monday, Nov. 25, 1974; ibid., p. 121). May  Allah(SWT) guide every sincere Ahmadi to Islam.

Among the individuals, who witnessed the written public  debates between Dr. Balogun and the high level Ahmadi  missionaries and recognized the falsehood of the Mission,  was a well-known gentleman by the name of Mr. Alhaj A. S.  Olatunde. To save face and mislead their naive followers,  Ahmadi missionaries apparently had began a rumor that Br.  Olatunde had recognized their "truth" and accepted  Ahmadiyyah! In response, Br. Olatunde issued a public  statement, which is reproduced below:

"For some months now, I have been quiet. My quietness has  come as a result of a very serious study I embarked upon in  connection with a burning question.The question began with  an article published by Dr. Ismail Balogun of the University  of Ibadan a few months ago. It concerned the belief of the  Ahmadiyya Jamat that the founder of the organization was a  kind of a prophet.

Dr. Ismail Balogun, who was born into the Ahmadiyya  Community, advanced cogent arguments and reasons to support  his rebuttal of the claim of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad to  Prophethood and the need to abandon the name Ahmadiyya to  denote a class of Muslims.

A series of rejoinders came from many well-known Ahmadis.  The most significant thing about the rejoinders is that they  are unconvincing! They have been based on shifty  premises.

Dr. Ismail Balogun came out again with a final reply to all  the rejoinders. His final reply contained incontrovertible  facts from various books of Islam and lexicons to support  his stand that after the holy Prophet Muhammad there had not  been and there would never be another prophet of any kind,  at least in so far as Islam is concerned.

I want to make my personal stand clear now. I support Dr.  Ismail Balogun. I agree entirely with his findings. And with  him I declare that Muhammad is the last Prophet of God.
I also declare that I am not an Ahmadi. It is true that I  have been closely connected with the Ahmadiyya Mission for  many years. During my period of association with them, the  question of another prophet after Muhammad was never a point  of interest in our discussions.

I am sure with this, nobody will be in doubt any more about  my stand. I want to remind all Muslims of an incident toward  the close of the glorious life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad.  It was the parting sermon he delivered on the Arafat in his  last pilgrimage.

He said: "I am leaving unto you two noble things. So long as  you will cling to them, you will never go astray. One of  them is the Book of Allah and the other is the Tradition of  His Apostle. Let him that is present tell unto him that is  absent. Haply he that shall be told may remember better than  he who has heard it."

With me, the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet are  sufficient. I am a Muslim and anything that will tarnish my  Islam is rejected with all my heart.

If there is any person or any group of persons who have been  showing me any favor because they thought that I was an  Ahmadi, I pray, they should now withhold or withdraw their  favors. I shall be satisfied with whatever favors it will  please Allah to bestow on me as a Muslim, pure and simple.  May Allah open our hearts to His Truth. Amen." (Daily  Sketch, Friday, Nov. 8, 1974; ibid. p. 118-119)

Obviously, a movement whose very leaders and founders have  used such deceptive methods to misguide the uninformed, for  a hundred years, can not be taken seriously nor viewed as a  divine organization. Each one of the arguments Ahmadi  leaders have advanced in support of their organization is  similarly based on deceptive claims or pure conjecture and  has been solely invented to keep their unfortunate followers  confused and entrapped.

We hope that individuals who have mistakenly followed  Ahmadiyyah reconsider their standing in the light of all the  evidence uncovered by Dr. Balogun. Should those, who have  been touched by the miracles of the Holy Quran and the  teachings of the last Prophet Muhammad(SAW), exhibit loyalty  and obedience to Allah(SWT) and His last Messenger(SAW) or  to individuals whose deception and falsehood has been  continually exposed?

Those who reject Allah, hinder (men) from the Path of Allah,  and resist the Messenger, after Guidance has been clearly  shown to them, will not injure Allah in the least, but He  will make their deeds of no effect. (The holy Quran,  Muhammad, 47:32)

Quotes taken from: "Islam versus Ahmadiyyah in Nigeria",  Published by Sh. Muhammad Ashraf, Kashmiri Bazar, Lahore,  Pakistan.

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