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Sheikh Yasir Qadhi Discusses The Hadith of the 73 Sects.

Sheikh is discussing the Hadith of the 73 Sects. Until today, it’s misinterpretation is a source of division, hate and

Sheikh Yasir Qadhi

                     1437...Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi

intolerance in our communities.

If you aren’t already privy to it, this Hadith presents the concept that our Ummah is divided into 73 sects and that only 1 is saved from Hellfire.

You can access Module 1 right now when you enroll for No Doubt today.


I’d like to share some points I teach in these video lessons regarding this Hadith.

1. The Prophet ﷺ specifically said, “My Ummah will split into 73 sects.”

The key words here are “my Ummah”! The Prophet ﷺ has established a relationship with each of these groups by including them in his Ummah. So indeed they are Muslims and are entitled to their rights upon us as fellow Muslims - rights such as praying their janazah, visiting their sick, sending them salam, and so on.

2. It is problematic to think that 72 out of 73 sects is the vast majority of the Ummah and that the 1 saved sect is a minority. This is a wrong understanding!

In fact, the 72 groups put together are a very small minority of our massive Ummah. We are blessed that at least 85% of our Ummah agree on the fundamentals, so much so that the average Muslim is blissfully unaware of these extremely rare groups.

3. It is also problematic to believe that these 72 groups are all doomed to Jahannam. Here’s why:

  • It is only befitting that Allah’s promises of reward are fulfilled.
  • It is befitting that Allah’s threats of punishment are forgiven as He wills.

Perhaps, some of these groups will come on the Day of Judgement and because of their ignorance due to whatever circumstance, Allah will forgive them.

4. Islam is not just a list of beliefs. On the Day of Judgement, we will be asked not only about our belief system, but also about our worship and rituals, and especially about our manners and dealings with the people.

Perhaps someone’s beliefs were incorrect, but they come on the Day of Judgement with a heavy set of good deeds that will far outweigh their incorrect beliefs.

And perhaps, someone with correct beliefs will come on the Day of Judgement but they have hurt someone or fell short on their worship.

May Allah guide us to the straight path full of good deeds and manners.

Access the private member portal and watch the video lessons from Module 1 here:


- Dr. Yasir Qadhi

P.S. In this Module, I also discuss the history and causes of sectarianism throughout time to help understand any terminology or concepts you may have across.

Views: 821

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on May 2, 2017 at 3:08am


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