Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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Produce Marketing Association International Convention & Expo

Event Name: Produce Marketing Association International Convention & Expo

Event Date: Monday, October 17th, 2011
Volunteer Shift Times:  Shift 1: 12:30pm – 4:30pm & Shift 2: 3:30pm – 7:30pm (Shift times are tentative. Actual shift times may vary based on show schedule updates.)
Volunteer Role:
Volunteers (approx. 275 volunteers per shift) will collect and pack product that remains on the expo floor at the close of the event.  The purpose of collecting and packing this product is two-fold: 1) to recover fresh food for people in need and prevent waste and 2) to package product in a format that facilitates distribution to ACFB’s partner agencies on October 18th.  Staff will be on site to orient and support volunteers during the work shift. Volunteers will need to be able to be on their feet for the entire shift. Medium to heavy lifting required.
Event Location:
Georgia World Congress Center
285 Andrew Young International Blvd., NW
Atlanta, Georgia 30313-1591
Volunteer Requirements: Adult (all volunteers must be 18+) and able to stand for the length of the shift. Medium to heavy lifting required.
Parking: Parking is available on site for approx. $10-$20. ACFB cannot reimburse for parking, so carpooling and/or travelling on MARTA is recommended.
Volunteer Perks: Enjoy rolling up your sleeves and working hard to help ACFB distribute hundreds of thousands of pounds of fresh nutritious food to organizations who serve those in most need in our community.  Snacks and drinks will be provided for volunteers during their shift.
To sign up: Complete the volunteer interest survey at pmavolunteers
Questions? Contact Suzanne Roush at volunteer.specialevents@acfb.org or 678-553-5984. 

Event Name: Produce Marketing Association International Convention & Expo
Event Date: Tuesday, October 18th
Volunteer Shift Times:  Shift 1: 7:00am – 11:30am & Shift 2: 1:00pm – 4:00pm (Shift times are tentative. Actual shift times may vary based on show schedule updates.)
Volunteer Role:
Volunteers (approx. 100 volunteers per shift) will assist with distribution of produce to ACFB partner agencies.  Staff will be on site to orient and support volunteers during the work shift. Volunteers will need to be able to be on their feet for the entire shift. Lots of medium to heavy lifting required. 
Event Location:
Georgia World Congress Center
285 Andrew Young International Blvd., NW
Atlanta, Georgia 30313-1591
Volunteer Requirements: Adult (all volunteers must be 18+) and able to stand for the length of the shift. Medium to heavy lifting required.
Parking: Parking is available on site for approx. $10-$20. ACFB cannot reimburse for parking, so carpooling and/or travelling on MARTA is recommended.
Volunteer Perks: Enjoy rolling up your sleeves and working hard to help ACFB distribute hundreds of thousands of pounds of fresh nutritious food to organizations who serve those in need in our community.  Snacks and drinks will be provided for volunteers during their shift.
To sign up: Complete the volunteer interest survey at To sign up: Complete the volunteer interest survey at pmavolunteers.
Questions? Contact Suzanne Roush at volunteer.specialevents@acfb.org or 678-553-5984.
July 16, 2011
In This Issue 
Needed: 750 Volunteers
Never Too Early to Take Action
A Story to Tell
Nearly 34 Million Pounds
A Taste of Mystery 
Hope for the Hungry
Kroger "Bringing Hope to the Table"
Big thanks to Kroger  and their participating manufacturers for the recent Bringing Hope to the Table campaign. With the nearly $150,000 raised, ACFB can distribute over $1 million worth of food and grocery products. What an impact you are making!  Learn more about how Bringing Hope to the Table works.

Exciting New Dining Destination 
Supper Club at No. 246
Have you heard the buzz on Decatur's newest hot spot? The doors are barely open at No 246, and they're already reaching out to help their community! What better way to check out this exciting new dining destination than to head on over when they host Supper Club this Tuesday evening, July 19? Get all the details on Supper Club at No 246!  

Needed: 750 Volunteers 
PMA Show - Volunteers are Needed!When the Produce Marketing Association show returns to the World Congress Center this October, we'll be there to rescue an estimated 250,000 pounds of produce. But we can't do it without our awesome volunteers - 750 of you, to be exact!  You can choose Day 1 where you'll help glean the produce, or Day 2 where you'll help distribute it to our partner agencies. Get all the details on volunteering for the Produce show here.  Ages 18 and up. Perfect for groups, but individuals are welcome. 

Never Too Early to Take Action
Lacy did it. You can too.When Lacy visited the Food Bank and heard we needed funds for more fresh fruits and vegetables, she went right into action, baking bread for friends, family, and neighbors. She only asked that they give a donation to the Food Bank. She raised over $800, proving one person can make a big impact!  Hunger Action Month is coming in September, but it's never too early to take action - go to the ACFB website and learn how you can get involved. Look for info coming in August about Hunger Action Month 2011!  

A Story to Tell 
Check Out ACFB's New Blog!We launched the brand new ACFB Blog last month, and we'd love for you to check it out!  See the story we posted yesterday and hear what several Youth Summit teens had to say about their day at the State Capitol and ACFB's Product Rescue Center. Or see Tuesday's post about a food co-op in Grant Park that's been changing lives for years. We've got some great stories to tell, and we'd love for you to jump in the conversation!  Visit ACFB's new blog, and leave us a comment!       


Nearly 34 Million Pounds  
Distribution Increased to Nearly 30 Million Pounds!That's how much product went out the doors of the Food Bank last fiscal year.  Nearly 30 million of that went directly into the doors of our partner agencies - the food pantries, kitchens, shelters, and other nonprofit programs that serve people in need. The good news: we were able to provide our agencies with 34% more product than the prior year. The bad news - the need keeps growing. See what ACFB partner agencies are saying about the increased need in this video we posted last month.    

A Taste of Mystery 
Agatha's Mystery Dinner TheatreThe remote town of Spoon, Washington just hasn't been the same since sullen teenager, Bella, lost her heart (and nearly her neck) to the mysterious (yet sparkly) vampire, Edward...  Hungry for more? Hungry to help? ACFB will receive proceeds from a special performance of Next Bite at Twilight: The Saga Continues at Agatha's Mystery Dinner Theater on Sunday, September 18Tickets are already available for purchase online. Why not plan now for an evening of comedy and mystery that will benefit the Food Bank? 




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