Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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Late Tuesday night into early this morning, a massive police force cordoned off a large section of downtown Atlanta



Occupy Atlanta update

and arrested 53 members of Occupy Atlanta. Police forces included dozens of motorcycle and mounted police, SWAT teams, scores of riot police, the bomb squad, drug-sniffing dogs, 100 or more other cops,  military-type helicopters overhead as well as firetrucks and rescue units. Huge diesel-fuel generators powered stadium-style lights that illuminated the park. Patrol cars, police buses and other vehicles filled the adjacent streets. 

Among those taken to jail were students from Emory and Georgia State, homeless men and women, veterans, Ga. Peace and Justice Coalition activist, Kevin Moran, State Senator Vincent Fort, , Rainbow/Push leader, Joe Beasley (also on the Board of the Task Force for the Homeless) and Tim Franzen of AFSC and GPJC.

This morning, 15 lawyers volunteered their time to represent pro bono all 53. They secured signature bonds for all 53. They are being processed now and should be released within an hour or so. Their court date is March 9, 2012.

The park remains barricaded and is inaccessible to the public.

The No to Endless War vigil sponsored by Georgia Peace and Justice Coalition/Atlanta is still scheduled for 5-6pm today on Peachtree between Edgewood and Auburn.

The solidarity march to the Task Force for the Homeless is still on for Thursday, Oct. 27 at 5pm, gathering at Peachtree and Auburn.. The same city administration that claims to have spent $300,000 on police to repress Occupy Atlanta is preparing to shut off the water to a shelter that houses 500 to 1000 homeless men a night over a $147,000 bill that is under dispute.

The website to stay up with the Occupy Atlanta movement which is challenging the control of banks and corporations over the lives and welfare of the 99% is www.occupyatlanta.org

For additional national coverage, go to www.iacenter.org


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