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Most Americans oppose the US involvement in the Libyan war.
The majority of Americans, regardless of their political party affiliations, do not approve of the US involvement in the Libyan war, a recent poll shows.

According to a recent CBS News poll, six out of 10 American Democrats, Republicans, and independents think the US should not be involved in the unpopular war on Libya, The Atlantic reported.

The poll found that while 60 percent of the people opposed the Libyan war, only 30 percent of Americans feel their country is heading in the right direction with its military involvement in the North African country.

A similar CBS poll conducted back in March found that seven out of 10 Americans supported the US military intervention to protect Libyan civilians from the country's ruler Muammar Gaddafi's forces.

US President Barack Obama's approval of US military action in crisis-hit Libya without prior congressional consent has outraged many US lawmakers.

NATO has been dominating the airstrikes campaign against Libyan forces, while the United States has been providing intelligence and military support as well.

NATO is tasked with implementing a no-fly zone over Libya in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 1973, which was approved in March.

According to Libya's government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim, the NATO military campaign has killed over 718 civilians and wounded more than 4,000 people in the North African county over the past 10 weeks.

Libya has been the scene of fierce fighting between Gaddafi's troops and anti-regime forces since mid-February. Revolutionary forces want an end to Gaddafi's decades-long rule.

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