US military suicides exceed battle deaths in Afghanistan in 2012
The suicide rate in the US military rose again last year, with 349 personnel taking their own lives in 2012.
The figure was published by the military newspaper Stars and Stripes, the Associated Press reported on Monday.
US Department of Defence (DOD) spokeswoman…
Added by Umm Muhammad on January 29, 2014 at 9:36am —
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Sura At-Takathur
BismillahirRahman nirRaheem
1. The piling up diverts you,
2. Until you visit the graves.
3. Verily, but you shall soon know.
4. Again, verily but you shall soon know.
5. Verily, were you to know with…
Added by Umm Muhammad on January 29, 2014 at 9:30am —
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While a debate is underway in France on the benefits of colonisation and responsibility of Arabs in the digression of

- Ahmed Ben Bella
For Ahmed Ben Bella, the liberation of the people in the South is still unachieved
by Silvia Cattori…
Added by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on January 28, 2014 at 4:11am —
1 Comment
Patricia Nalls is the mother of two children—Alana, age 25 and Shawn, age 21—and she is a community AIDS activist

locally and nationally, for the rights of women living with HIV/AIDS and their families. She was diagnosed with AIDS in 1986, after the death of her husband and three year-old. Patricia has been a…
Added by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on January 28, 2014 at 3:00am —
1 Comment
Beware of the Marriage Bandits Part 1
by: Shaikh (Dr) Haitham Al-Haddad
I am sick of hearing about those brothers who prey upon the susceptibility of our sisters, using deception as a tool for marriage, and marriage as a guise for the fulfillment of their evil desires. I fear that if…
Added by Umm Muhammad on January 27, 2014 at 6:48pm —
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Posted by Chauncey DeVega at 12:50 am January 22, 2014
Uncomfortable Historical Truths: On White Privilege and the Movie 12 Years a Slave
[Photo Credit: screenshot This is an image of a 19th century wood engraving called "Slaves in Brazil: The Terrible Torture of a Slave", from 'Journal des Voyages'. It depicts a black slave being boiled alive above a huge cauldron].
The film 12 Years a Slave was a Disney version of the Maafa and the crimes against humanity…
Added by Umm Muhammad on January 27, 2014 at 6:30pm —
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Sister Souljah (born Lisa Williamson, 1964) is an American hip hop-generation author, activist, recording artist, and

film producer. She gained prominence for …
Added by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on January 26, 2014 at 12:24pm —
1 Comment
Dear Believer:

Zakat U.S.A. Video Click To See
I pray that this communique will find you in the full protection of Allah. I am forwarding the 2013…
Added by ZAKAT U.S.A. on January 25, 2014 at 3:30pm —
1 Comment
Did you know that there are thousands upon thousands of homeless people that are living underground beneath the streets of major U.S. cities?
It is happening frpm Las Vegas, to New York City, to Kansas City, and elsewhere. As the economy crumbles, poverty in the United States is absolutely exploding and so is homelessness.
In addition to the thousands of "tunnel people" living under the streets of America, there are also…
Added by Umm Muhammad on January 25, 2014 at 10:55am —
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El-Hajj Mauri' Saalakhan
1. Response Needed re: the Genocide in Burma
Added by Umm Muhammad on January 25, 2014 at 10:30am —
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(WASHINGTON, D.C., 1/22/14) -- The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today applauded a ruling by a federal judge in Virginia that said placement on the government's no-fly list "transforms a person into a second class citizen, or worse."…
Added by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on January 22, 2014 at 5:58pm —
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A Legal Judgement Regarding the Ruling on Membership of the Masonic Movement |
(The decision of the Fiqh Academy) All praise and thanks be to Allaah and may peace and blessings of Allaah be upon the Messenger of Allaah and upon his family and Companions and all those who follow his guidance. As for what…
Added by Umm Muhammad on January 22, 2014 at 10:30am —
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In 2011, Swedish filmmaker Göran Hugo Olsson brought a forgotten piece of American history vividly to life with "The
Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975." The compelling documentary unearthed largely unseen footage shot by Swedish journalists of the era, and shined a new light on the potent Black Power movement of the time. For his next effort, Olsson is once again digging into the…
Added by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on January 21, 2014 at 4:17pm —
Added by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on January 20, 2014 at 8:30pm —
Police Beat Elderly Deaf Man For ‘Refusing Orders’
“You can’t yell at him from behind his car and get a response”
Mikael Thalen January 14, 2014
An elderly deaf Oklahoma…
Added by Umm Muhammad on January 20, 2014 at 9:30am —
1 Comment
Amiri Baraka, one of the most influential African American writers of his generation, who courted controversy as a poet

, playwright and provocateur and who was a primary intellectual architect of the Black…
Added by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on January 20, 2014 at 1:33am —
“Why should they ask me to put on a uniform and go 10,000 miles from home and drop bombs and bullets on Brown
people in Vietnam while so-called Negro people in Louisville are treated like dogs and denied simple huma…
Added by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on January 18, 2014 at 6:11pm —
1 Comment
Too young to wed: child ‘brides’ in Egypt rented for summer
Friday, 16 August 2013
In many societies, marriage is a celebrated institution and a promise of life-long fidelity between two adults; in some areas of the world, such as Egypt, the reality is very different for some individuals.
In el-Hawamdia, an agricultural town 20 kilometers south of Cairo, Egyptian…
Added by Umm Muhammad on January 17, 2014 at 9:38am —
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by Chauncey DeVega
January 9, 2014
8,000 comments later, most of them racist screeds too low and disgusting for even…
Added by Umm Muhammad on January 17, 2014 at 9:30am —
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The armed Mau Mau uprising against British colonialism was by this time on its last legs militarily, having been ground

down by years of murderous anti-insurgent operations and pleasantries like mass…
Added by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on January 16, 2014 at 3:50pm —
1 Comment