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Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص's Blog (4,025)

'All-American Muslim' sells out, despite Lowe's withdrawal

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Ad time for next Sunday's "All-American Muslim" episode is apparently sold out, despite

"All-American Muslim" is an eight-part series that follows five Muslim families living in Dearborn, Michigan

Lowe's decision to pull its commercials from the TLC reality series, a TLC network spokeswoman said.

Hip hop mogul Russell Simmons announced his intentions Monday…


Added by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on December 15, 2011 at 3:30pm — No Comments

We're Turning The Tide‏

Last week was a game changer. We issued our call for voting rights in the streets of New York, at the United Nations
and across the nation through the media. The far right is now on the defensive about their attack on voting rights.

In collaboration with Brave New Foundation, the NAACP has put together a new video about the impact of the voting right attacks on communities of color. Please take a moment to watch and spread the message to…

Added by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on December 14, 2011 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment

Jon Stewart on TLC's Disappointingly Terror-Free All American Muslim

How Harmful Is TLC....…

Added by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on December 14, 2011 at 3:00pm — No Comments

CAIR Asks Lowe's to Address Anti-Muslim Hate Prompted by TV Ad Pull-Out

WASHINGTON, D.C., 12/13/2011) -- The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today called on Lowe's, the


Community leaders seek meeting with company to discuss decision to pull spots from TLC's 'All-American Muslim'

world's second largest home improvement retailer, to address the anti-Muslim hate rhetoric prompted by that company's decision to pull its…


Added by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on December 13, 2011 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Iran, the Revolution and the Language of War

A few days ago, I revisited a lecture given by Fred Halliday, FBA, an intellectual giant among scholars of Middle East

Where is Iran's nuclear program going? I do not know.

By Deepak Tripathi

and Cold War history, at the London School of Economics in 2009. His topic was “The Islamic Republic of Iran After 30 Years.” For nearly a quarter century, Halliday was professor of International Relations at the LSE and recognized…


Added by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on December 12, 2011 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Who will Watch the Watchdog?

On December 2, the Geneva-based UN Watch welcomed that day’s “strong condemnation” of Syria by a UN Human…



Added by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on December 12, 2011 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Egypt Islamists reject army meddling in constitution

CAIRO - Egypt's Islamists said on Sunday they would not accept any interference from the ruling military council over

The army's role in the process of forming the constitution remains unclear

Muslim Brotherhood number two stresses no one except elected parliament has right to draft legislation.

the future constitution amid uncertainty about the army's role in the process.



Added by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on December 12, 2011 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Red Cross condemns air attack on Somali food supply centre

GENEVA - The Red Cross on Sunday denounced an air attack on a food supply outlet in the southern Somali town of

Situation, in Bardera, is alarming

Red Cross denounces air attack on food supply outlet in Somalia, stressing mounting food shortages.

Bardera, stressing it came at a time of mounting food shortages.

"We are alarmed about the situation in Bardera," said…


Added by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on December 12, 2011 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Women's empowerment on peace prize stage

What do Liberia's president, a "peace warrior" toiling for national conciliation in the same country, and an "Arab


Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Leymah Gbowee, Tawakkol Karman will share 2011 award ‘for their non-violent struggle for women's rights’.

By Pierre-Henry Deshayes – OSLO

Spring" activist fighting Yemen's regime have in common? All three will receive the Nobel Peace Prize on Saturday.…


Added by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on December 9, 2011 at 1:30am — No Comments

North Africa to New York: 2011 is year of ‘indignant’ protests

From Spain's "indignados" protests to Occupy Wall Street, 2011 was the year when people power, fueled by

Growing divide between people, leaders

Popular anger grips world, starting with Tunisians ousting their president-for-life, then sweeping unstoppably through Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen.

By Sebastian Smith - NEW YORK

frustration at the deepening financial crisis,…


Added by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on December 9, 2011 at 1:30am — No Comments

No Death Penalty For Mumia Abu-Jamal

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Maureen Faulkner waited nearly 30 years for her husband's murderer to be executed. But

Photo 1 of 10…

Added by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on December 8, 2011 at 4:00am — No Comments

Crippling Iran: Questions for Mr. Hague

Britain's foreign secretary William Hague has written a widely acclaimed 576-page biography of William Pitt the


By Stuart Littlewood

Younger, who became prime minister in 1783 at the tender age of 24. Pitt was the war leader during Britain’s running battles with Napoleon, but it is said that he was uncomfortable in such a role and considered war got in the way of trade and prosperity.

It is a pity that Pitt’s abhorrence…


Added by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on December 8, 2011 at 12:30am — No Comments

Towards a True Paradigm Shift in Palestine

The Palestinian Uprising or Intifada of 1987 remains the single most significant triumph of popular mobilization in

Allegiance must not lie with any particular faction. (Latuff)

By Ramzy Baroud

Palestinian history.

The First Intifada, as it is commonly known, had, once and for all, placed the Palestinian people as a collective on the political map of a region that previously had room only for Israeli Merkava tanks and US…


Added by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on December 8, 2011 at 12:00am — No Comments

Chicago: Groups to Condemn Bill Allowing Military Detention of U.S. Citizens

(CHICAGO, 12/7/2011) — On Thursday, December 8, the Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations


CAIR-Chicago: Rights Groups to Condemn Bill Allowing Military Detention of U.S. Citizens

(CAIR-Chicago), along with other civil rights and interfaith groups, will hold a press conference calling on Congress and President Obama to reject the U.S. Senate’s version of the National Defense Authorization Act (S.…


Added by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on December 7, 2011 at 8:00pm — No Comments

Hold Up!!!...New chapter in Iran-Saudi feud: Riyadh may join nuclear arms race

RIYADH - Saudi Arabia may consider acquiring nuclear weapons to match regional rivals Israel and Iran, its former

Beginning of nuclear arms race in Middle East?

Turki al-Faisal says Saudi Arabia may consider acquiring nuclear weapons to match regional rivals Israel, Iran.

intelligence chief Prince Turki al-Faisal said on Monday.

"Our efforts and those of the world have failed…


Added by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on December 7, 2011 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Warning! ‘Secretive' Arab world faces HIV epidemic

In an Arab world rife with social stigma, government inaction and often limited access to education and medical care,

HIV epidemic on rise

Number of people needing treatment in Arab region has spiked from approximately 45,000 in 2001 to nearly 160,000 in 2010.

By Natacha Yazbeck – BEIRUT

experts warn that an HIV epidemic is on the rise.

"In the Middle East and North Africa, the…


Added by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on December 7, 2011 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Say No to Indefinite Military Detention of U.S. Citizens

(WASHINGTON D.C., 12/6/2011) -- The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is urging American Muslims


and other people of conscience to call on Congress and President Obama to reject the U.S. Senate version of the National Defense Authorization Act (S. 1867), which calls for the arrest and indefinite military detention of American citizens suspected of terrorism without charge or trial.



Added by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on December 6, 2011 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Millions of Shiites pilgrims flood Iraq city of Karbala for Ashura rituals

Millions flooded Iraq's shrine city Karbala on Tuesday for Ashura rituals on Shiite Islam's most important day, amid

Number of Karbala visitors reaches about three million

Shiites mourners flood Iraq's shrine city Karbala for Ashura rituals amid tight security after bomb attacks killed 28 people.

By Abdelamir Hanoun – KARBALA (Iraq)

tight security after bomb attacks targeting Shiite…


Added by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on December 6, 2011 at 12:04pm — No Comments

Muslim Brotherhood, Salafists sweep post-revolution election in Egypt

Islamists trounced their liberal rivals in the opening phase of Egypt's first post-revolution election, official figures

Egypt’s future in Islamists’ hands

Islamist parties win 65 percent of all votes cast for parties in the first round of parliamentary elections.

By Samer al-Atrush – CAIRO

showed on Sunday, with one in four voters opting for hardline Salafists.…


Added by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on December 6, 2011 at 11:57am — No Comments

Syria crisis forces Hassan Nasrallah out of his hideout

BEIRUT - Lebanon's Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah vowed Tuesday to arm his fighters more heavily than ever as he

Attempt to prove popularity amid increasing pressure

Increasing pressure on Hezbollah for its support of Assad regime forces Nasrallah to leave his hideout for first time since 2008.

made his first public appearance since 2008 before a frenzied crowd in the southern suburbs of…


Added by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on December 6, 2011 at 11:51am — No Comments

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Allah سبحانه و تعالى said : “This day, I have completed your religion for you”

Allah completed the religion through him and the proof is His saying, He, the Most High: «This day, I have completed your religion for you, perfected My blessings upon you, and am pleased…Continue

Started by karriem el-amin shabazz in Sample Title Sep 8, 2022.

The argument about Resurrection and life after death!

Allah says: “Nay! I swear by this city. This city wherein you have been rendered violable, and I swear by the parent and his offspring” (90Al-Balad:1-3) To begin a conversation, in Arabic with Nay,…Continue

Started by karriem el-amin shabazz in Sample Title Jul 29, 2022.

The question: When will the threat of Resurrection be carried out?

After Tauhid the other question about which a dispute was raging between the Prophet (pbuh) and the disbelievers was the question of the Hereafter. Here, before giving the arguments, the Hereafter…Continue

Started by karriem el-amin shabazz in Sample Title Jun 18, 2022.

This is the Truth: The Garden of Eternity, or the Blazing Fire!!!

Allah says: “Tell them, (O Prophet): “Did you consider (what would be your end) if this Qur'an were indeed from Allah and yet you rejected it? And this, even though a witness from the Children of…Continue

Started by karriem el-amin shabazz in Sample Title Jun 1, 2022.




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