Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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Where will Israel’s assault on Palestinians end?

On Wednesday, May 12 at 19:30 GMT:
Palestinians in occupied East Jerusalem and Israeli-besieged Gaza have for days faced a series of increasingly severe Israeli assaults that have killed dozens of people and wounded hundreds more.

Israeli jets began air raids on Gaza on May 10, soon after Hamas’s military wing fired rockets towards Israel in reaction to Israel security forces storming the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Islam’s third holiest site, and firing rubber bullets, stun grenades and tear gas at worshippers.

The Israeli assault on the mosque followed days of Palestinian-led protests in East Jerusalem against the widely-expected expulsion of Palestinian families from their homes in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood. Right-wing Jewish settlers are trying to wrest control of the land that the homes have stood on for decades, and have the backing of far-right Israeli politicians.

In this episode of The Stream, we’ll look at what’s happening in Gaza and occupied East Jerusalem and ask what it will take to stop the violence.

Full article:  Where will Israel’s assault on Palestinians end? | TV Shows | Al Ja...

Views: 56

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on May 12, 2021 at 12:23pm
These are all the actions happening around Palestine this week in the US. I could not find some fliers, but if anyone has any additions or fliers to send me, I can update them! You can also check out Instagram and Twitter for updates. Feel free to share this out with networks and national organizations.
May be a Twitter screenshot of child and text that says 'This Palestinian mother lost 4 of her children in one day. During the airstrike on Gaza. Imagine losing 4 of your children. All at once.'
In alphabetical order of City:
Allentown, Pennsylvania
May 16th (2pm) at S 7th St. & Hamilton St.

Atlanta, Georgia
May 15th (1pm) at National Center for Civil & Human Rights

Austin, Texas
May 15th (12pm) at 1100 Congress Ave.

Baton Rouge, Louisiana
May 14th (4:30) at Southgate
[Missing Flier]
Boston, Massachusetts
May 15th (2pm) at Copley Square
[Missing Flier]
Brooklyn, New York
May 15th (4:30pm) at 7114 5th Ave, Bay Ridge
[Missing Flier]
Buffalo, New York
May 15th (1pm) at 65 Niagara Square
[Missing Flier]
Charlotte, North Carolina
May 13th (5pm) at Romare Bearden Park
[Missing Flier]
Chicago, Illinois
May 12th (4pm) at Michigan and Congress

Cleveland, Ohio
May 16th (2pm) at Public Square in Downtown Cleveland

Dallas, Texas
May 15th (1pm) at The Grassy Knoll

Dearborn, Michigan
May 16th (1pm) at 15801 Michigan Ave.

Detroit, Michigan
May 15th (2pm) at Arab American Museum

Houston, Texas
May 15th (3pm) at the corner of Westheimer and Post Oak

Las Vegas, Nevada
May 15th (5pm) in front of the Venetian

Los Angeles, California
May 11th (12pm) at Wilshire

Los Angeles, California
May 15th (12pm) at 11000 Wilshire Boulevard
<Los Angeles.jpg>

Manhattan, New York
May 11th (5pm) at 800 2nd Ave.
<NewYork 2.jpg>

Miami, Florida
May 16th (5pm) at NW 24TH Street and NW 2nd Avenue (Wynwood)
[Missing Flier]
Minneapolis, Minnesota
May 11th (4pm) at 1200 S Washington Ave.

Orlando, Florida
May 15th (4pm) Section of Lake Eola across 227 N Eola

Patterson, New Jersey
May 16th (1pm) at Main St. and Gould Ave.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
May 14th (4pm) at Rittenhouse Square Park

Phoenix, Arizona
May 15th (12pm) at 1700 W Washington St.

Portland, Oregon
May 11th (12pm) at City Hall
[Missing Flier]
Rochester , New York
May 12th (4pm) at Federal Building, State Street
[Missing Flier]
San Antonio, Texas
May 11th (6pm) at 300 Alamo Plaza
<San Antonio.jpg>

San Diego, California
May 15th (6pm) at Balboa Park
<San Diego.jpg>

San Francisco, California
May 15th (12pm) at Valencia and Liberty
<San Francisco.jpg>

Seattle, Washington
May 16th (1pm) at Westlake Park

St. Louis, Missouri
May 14th (5pm) at 500 Chestnut St.
<St Louis.jpg>

Tampa, Florida
May 16th (5pm) at Intersection of Fowler and 25th
[Missing Flier]
Twin Cities, Minnesota
May 15th (2pm) across Filfillah 4301 Central Ave NE
<Twin Cities.jpg>

Washington D.C.
May 11th (4pm) at 22nd and C Street NW

<Washington DC.jpg>

Washington D.C.
May 15th (3pm) at Washington Monument
<Washington DC 2.jpg>

Wichita, Kansas
May 15th (1pm) at 353 N Mead St.

Sharif Zakout
Membership Coordinator & Organizer
Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC)

Sharif Zakout
Membership Coordinator & Organizer
Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC)
Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on May 12, 2021 at 12:28pm

Tel Aviv hit after Israel destroys Gaza buildings

Israel deliberately destroyed a residential tower in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday despite warnings from Palestinian resistance groups not to target civilian infrastructure.

Videos circulated on social media show the al-Hanadi apartment building collapsing after it was struck by an Israeli missile.

Tel Aviv hit after Israel destroys Gaza buildings | The Electronic ...

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on May 12, 2021 at 12:30pm

May be an image of one or more people and text that says 'NAKA 73 WE WILL RETURN JOIN THE PALESTINE ACTION NETWORK IN COMMEMORATING THE 73RD ANNIVERSARY OF THE NAKBA Family friendly event, COVID precautions will be taken Saturday, May 15th COMMUNITY MURAL 12-3PM COMMUNITY RALLY 3PM VALENCIA& LIBERTY,SAN FRANCISCO'

San Francisco Protest for Palestine!
As we approach the anniversary of the Nakba, the colonization of Palestine, no where is ongoing Israeli settler-colonialism more clear today than in the heart of Jerusalem, Palestine’s capitol: in the village of Sheikh Jarrah, in Silwan, in Batan Al Hawa.
This past week, Palestinians in Jerusalem have experienced some of the worst violence in recent history. On the last Friday of Ramadan, Israeli forces stormed the Al-Aqsa mosque and fired tear gas and live ammunition at the worshipers. And in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in east Jerusalem, Palestinians continue to resist violent and illegal attempts to forcibly expel them from their homes. All of this is funded by US tax dollars.
For those in the San Francisco Bay Area, we ask you to join us this Saturday!
Saturday, May 15th
12:00 - 3:00pm: Community mural
3:00 - 5:00pm: COMMUNITY RALLY
Valencia and Liberty Street
(between 20th and 21st street)
San Francisco, CA
We are following Covid precautions with an emphasis on social distancing and masks. Sanitizer and extra masks will be available. Please come join us and help one another stay safe!
Organized by the San Francisco Bay Area Palestine Action Network. To learn more about the Network, or get involved, email info@araborganizing.org
Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on May 12, 2021 at 12:32pm

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on May 12, 2021 at 12:33pm

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Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on May 12, 2021 at 12:34pm
Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on May 12, 2021 at 7:30pm

May be an image of ‎monument, outdoors and ‎text that says '‎فلسطين في لمسلمين احوال أصلح اللهم o Allah, rectify the affairs of the Muslims in Palestine‎'‎‎

I stand in solidarity with Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah and the West Bank. This is not about religion. This is about Israeli colonization, military occupation, ethnic cleansing and apartheid. We must stop normalizing the dehumanization of the Palestinian people. We all deserve the right to live life free of violence & fear. Enough is enough.


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