Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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Today the tragedy hits home for me personally. The Syrian government abandoned all pretenses of civility and human

 decency. It sent tanks by the hundreds into the city of Daraa and others killing people by the hundreds if not thousands.

We have been waiting for president Obama and congress to take the lead to help freedom in Libya, Egypt, Yemen and Syria. Unfortunately, we have been disappointed.

I am writing you today to ask you to write to president Obama by going online http://www.whitehouse.gov/. I also urge you to contact every congressman and senator in our districts to ask them not to take proactive actions.

Yet first and foremost, we must turn to Allah and pray with the greatest sincerities to help Muslims all around the world that have been unjustly killed and attacked while the world stands idle.

 Below is a letter I wrote to the white house website:

Mr. President,

I am an American citizen who was born in Syria. I have supported your campaign for the presidency and had high hopes for the future of this country under your leadership.

As a registered democrat, I am disappointed that you abandoned many of the promises you made including closing Guantanamo.

As a Muslim who saw so much promise in your Cairo speech, I feel betrayed that it was just a beautiful rhetoric.

As a man born in the Middle East I am troubled by your lack of leadership in the region.

Today the Syrian Army invaded many cities in Syria especially Daraa killing people by the hundreds if not thousands, illegally detaining and torturing its civilians and abandoning all forms of democracy.

Yet, Mr. President, you stand idle looking to Europe and others to lead. It is time you led the free world; it is time you showed that the democrats have courage, have the will to fight and stand for what is right. I am afraid that you have, once again, proven that the republicans are better equipped to lead the free world however damaging their leadership may be.

History has presented you with unprecedented opportunity to establish democracy in the Middle East. You must act boldly now and not squander this opportunity that may never come again in our life time or even that of our children.

Act now, Mr. President. Help the people in Syria before the bloodshed becomes even greater. Help the Libyans, Yemenis, Egyptians and the others thirsting for the freedoms we enjoy in this great country.

John McCain stole the show from you in Libya.  It is time you proved to the world that you are the main character in International play.

I pray to God to give you the wisdom to see the right path and the courage to do what is right.


Tareef Saeb

Chairman & CEO

Hamzah Islamic Center





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Views: 63

Comment by Abdul Azeez Hagood on April 25, 2011 at 3:41pm
Alhamdulillah.  I pray that the people of the Middle East and North Africa overcome the oppression that has held them down for decades.  I stand with the courageous people who are daily putting their lives on the line for freedom from oppression.  However, I think this article is shortsighted and is another of the numerous hit jobs on the President.  He tried to close Guantanamo but was thwarted by a cowardly congress who refused to fund the closure.  Is the writer aware of this or is he just repeating a popular meme that this president is a promise breaker.  What would he have the U.S. do in Libya and Syria? Send in Troops? Right.  John McCain is a grand-stander who can talk the talk because he has no authority or responsibility as commander-in-chief.  The author attacks Obama's lack of leadership, but who was it who pulled together the coalition to institute the no-fly zone in Libya? McCain?  What would this author have the president do?  I smell something strange from this "democrat" who would say that the Republicans show more leadership in the Middle East.  They led us into two wars already.  Maybe that's what he wants.  OPL may want to look more closely at some of our contributors' motives and actions.  May Allah guide us all to actions that please Him and help relieve his suffering slaves the world over.  Ameen
Comment by Abdul Azeez Hagood on April 25, 2011 at 3:42pm
Comment by Abdul Azeez Hagood just now
Delete Comment Alhamdulillah.  I pray that the people of the Middle East and North Africa overcome the oppression that has held them down for decades.  I stand with the courageous people who are daily putting their lives on the line for freedom from oppression.  However, I think this article is shortsighted and is another of the numerous hit jobs on the President.  He tried to close Guantanamo but was thwarted by a cowardly congress who refused to fund the closure.  Is the writer aware of this or is he just repeating a popular meme that this president is a promise breaker.  What would he have the U.S. do in Libya and Syria? Send in Troops? Right.  John McCain is a grand-stander who can talk the talk because he has no authority or responsibility as commander-in-chief.  The author attacks Obama's lack of leadership, but who was it who pulled together the coalition to institute the no-fly zone in Libya? McCain?  What would this author have the president do?  I smell something strange from this "democrat" who would say that the Republicans show more leadership in the Middle East.  They led us into two wars already.  Maybe that's what he wants.  OPL may want to look more closely at some of our contributors' motives and actions.  May Allah guide us all to actions that please Him and help relieve his suffering slaves the world over.  Ameen


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