Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless
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Shame On Us All!
The entire civilized world is unanimous in the conclusion that the zionist israeli state is involved in committing widespread crimes against humanity as it carries out a genocide. Yet, the entire world sits idle, allowing it to happen; as we carry-on like spectators watching a gory, sick horror film. Shame on all of us! Irrespective of our personal belief system or political ideology, what kind of humanity do we claim to possess? What ‘guiding principles’ do we subscribe to and base our decisions on? As for the Muslims of the world, what kind of Islam do we practice? What kind of Muslims do we profess to be? What akhlaq do we adhere to? What path are we on?
The children, women and men of Palestine are asking: “Where is the world?”…“Why are they allowing this to continue to happen to us?”…Why won’t they help us?”... “Don't we matter?” So long as we continue in our current posture of inactivity; we are not deserving of the lives we live. Some things are such that standing in opposition to them, even under the threat, or likelihood, of death is the only honorable position to assume.
Our enemies have no problem, and do not hesitate, to engage in their egregious, fiendish, hideous acts of brutality. So why is it that the world community of nations fails to respond to this tragedy in an appropriate manner? These deviants are bold enough to commit such horrific crimes with no sense of shame. It is very unlikely these ‘devils in human form’ are going to just suddenly stop their mischief. They are going to have to be stopped! Those of us who claim to be humane should have no problem doing what is decent, honorable and respectable in the face of such diabolism and evil. It would be most appropriate to take the necessary steps to bring these atrocities to an end, even at the risk of losing our lives, than to persist in our current state of dysfunction, error and negligence.
All of us who fail to take decisive action to counter this atrocity are engaged in grave sin. It is just like a witness to murder who fails to intervene while the depraved offender carries-out the dastardly act. As we sit-by watching this obscene display of arrogance, hatred, racism and tyranny persist in the slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent infants, babies, children, women and men; how do we think ‘The GOD in heaven’ views us? How will we be judged when we find ourselves standing to give account of the Day of Judgment? Some speak of how history will judge us. We should be more concerned about how ‘The Supreme Judge’ is going to settle our affairs when we face the day of reckoning.
Whatever belief system, philosophy, political ideology or spiritual discipline one subscribes to; the universal principle of ‘what-goes-around-comes-around’ applies to each and every one of us. As the majority of the earth’s occupants recently revelled in celebration and folly during the holiday season; a group of ‘low-life’, deviate miscreants – who flaunt themselves in expensive suits – were committing the ‘crime of all crimes’. These criminals, with ‘hearts of stone’, think they are beyond reproach. They fail to realize, however, that the ‘Final Arbiter’ has their heart and jugular vein in the tightest of grips.* In a ‘split-second’, each of their lives will soon come to an abrupt end.
When that time finally comes there will be no evading the ultimate reality. Everyone will have to deal with the consequences of their actions. Then…“Woe that day to the Rejectors of Truth!”
*Note: The Islamic phrase that can be interpreted as "The Final Arbiter" is "Al-Haqq" which directly translates to "The Truth" in Arabic. It signifies that ALLAH is the ultimate source of justice and truth, with the final say in all matters, making Him the ultimate judge and arbiter. It emphasizes that ALLAH’s decisions and judgments are always right and cannot be challenged.
Kofi Bilal Mahmud
Executive Director
Oppressed Peoples Online Word
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