The Root) -- On the heels of yesterday's ruling that charges will not be brought against a New York police officer accused

In his tweet, the actor blasted New York's refusal to pursue charges in the killing of Ramarley Graham.
Tracy Clayton: August 9, 2013
of shooting an unarmed black teen, actor Samuel L. Jackson took to Twitter to voice his opinion.
"Young brothers Beware!!" he tweeted. "It's Open Season!"
Eighteen-year-old Ramarley Graham was shot and killed in the bathroom of the apartment he shared with his grandmother last year by a police officer pursuing him on suspicion of drug activity. The officer, 31-year-old Richard Haste, claimed that he fired because he believed Graham had a gun. In fact, he was unarmed.
With the conclusion of the Trayvon Martin case and the release of Fruitvale Station, a movie based on the story of Oscar Grant, many are hyperfocused on what they see as the devaluation of black lives in the eyes of the law. Jackson's tweet captures the sentiment of countless others.
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