Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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Read an article on the student intifada censored by The Boston Globe...

Editor’s note: The following article was commissioned by The Boston Globe. The newspaper refused, however, to publish it.

The Nakba is noted as the mass, violent exodus of approximately 800,000 Palestinians.

It was forced by Zionist militias between 1947 and 1949. However, Palestinians know the Nakba never ended.

This perpetuation of violence can most recently be seen through the ongoing genocide of my people in Gaza, where the US and Israel are allied in a machine of destruction and death, resulting in almost 35,000 people being massacred so far, thousands stuck under the rubble, and most of Gaza’s 2.3 million people displaced.

The experience of the Palestinian diaspora, although nothing in comparison to the active ethnic cleansing and genocide being experienced by Palestinians in Gaza, has been amplified in difficulty in the past months. College campuses, falsely paraded as the vanguard of free speech and debate in this country, have become a hotbed for repression of Palestinian activism.

In October, a peaceful sit-in for divestment from this genocide at my school, University of Massachusetts Amherst, was met with the arrests of 56 students and one staff member.

Javier Reyes, the university’s chancellor, chose to level wanton university code of conduct sanctions on these students, even though previous sit-ins were not punished with sanctions even after arrests, and even still after the criminal charges were dropped.

Arabs, Muslims and Palestinians on campus have faced unparalleled discrimination and threats to our safety since the start of the genocide. Complaints against students who had stalked me on campus, yelled racist vitriol such as “Kill all Arabs” and “Level Gaza” at me, and assaulted people at peaceful protests fell on cold, uncaring ears.

So incredible was the level of institutional failure to protect Palestinian students and repression that the US Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) is currently investigating UMass Amherst for anti-Palestinian racism.

The most recent example of university repression, the fascist crackdowns on “Popular Universities for Gaza” is no surprise. In April, UMass Amherst threatened arrests and academic sanctions if our encampment tents were not broken down after a day.

It is ironic, laughable even, to cite violations of land use policies on the grounds of a public university which starts every campus event stating that we are on unceded Norrwutuck and Pocomtuc land. State police in riot gear were deployed against students peacefully protesting a genocide.

Full article:  Read an article on the student intifada censored by The Boston Glob...

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Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on May 10, 2024 at 11:00am

Kofi Bilal Mahmud

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Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on May 10, 2024 at 5:25pm


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