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Summary of Hearing for Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin
By Imam Nadim Sulaiman Ali
The attorney that represented Imam Jamil was C. Allen Garrett Jr. He presented before Judge Amy Totenberg in the US District Court for the Northern District of Ga.
The issues that were presented during the hearing were as follows:
- Fulton County prosecution usage of “ Mock Cross Examination”
- FBI agent Campbell’s past of engaging in planting evidence on a suspect.
- The disallowing of the confession of Otis Jackson.
Attorney Garrett presented first, and he was able to emphasize how the previous judge did not find the prosecution’s prejudicial statements to the jury in its closing argument prejudicial.
The Assistant DA stated that if Imam Jamil “won’t stand for you then don’t stand for him.”
He also made an issue of the fact that Imam Jamil did not testify on his own behalf disrespecting his right to remain silent.
Attorney Garrett emphasized that Imam Jamil’s 5th amendment rights were violated, and that the original judge did not declare a mistrial.
Attorney Garrett also presented how the original ID from one of the shooting victims stated that the assailant had grey eyes. It was also reported that the assailant was of a shorter stature than Imam Jamil, and that the original description that was given by neighbors stated that the shooter did not fit the Imam’s description.
Attorney Garrett also stated that both deputies stated that they had shot their assailant, and stated that when apprehended that Imam Jamil was not injured.
Attorney Garrett also stated that the trial took place six months after 911, and that it took place during a time of extreme prejudice towards Muslims.
Attorney Garrett also presented an affidavit from a juror who stated that had Imam Jamil testified on his own behalf that he would have voted to aquit, and the judge did not emphasize that Imam Jamil had a right to remain silent, and that the prosecution capitalized on this by presenting a Mock Cross Examination. This planted prejudicial images in the minds of the jurors.
When the Attorney General’s office presented they emphasized that the preponderance of evidence presented pointed to Imam Jamil’s guilt, and that both deputies identified the Imam. (Disregarding the fact that the surviving deputy made the identification while under the influence of morphine.)
They also wanted the judge to uphold the previous rulings of the Ga. Supreme Court which upheld the conviction of Imam Jamil.
Issues to consider were the fact that the reason for the initial stop in which Imam Jamil experienced was ruled to be unconstitutional at the state level.
The warrant was invalidated.
It was emphasized that motive is not an issue for crimes in Ga.
They also stated that it was determined that the identification while under the influence of morphine was valid.
They emphasized that the fact that FBI agent Campbell’s actions in 1995 did not result in a conviction, and was therefore inadmissible.
They attempted to minimize the actions of agent Campbell, and summarized his actions as “unprofessional”.
The judge then asked for the original 911 call that is not present in evidentiary.
The Attorney General’s office also attempted to say that the original DA’s statement did not do damage to the case, and therefore his conviction should stand.
Observations: The Judge appears to be impartial, and it is my prayer that The Creator guide her heart to make a decision in favor of Imam Jamil.
Notables in attendance were:
Attorney Karima Al-Amin- Wife of Imam Jamil Al-Amin and member of the legal team.
Ward Churchill- Noted Scholar and Activist
Natsu Saito -Ga. State University Law Professor/Activist
Connie Curry- Former SNCC member
Attorney Musa Dan Fodio- International Lawyer
Bilal Mahmud- Oppressed Peoples Online Word (The Voice Of The Voiceless)
Natsu Saito -Ga. State University Law Professor/Activist
Attorney Michael Warren- Member of the original legal team
Eric Toure Muhammad- Final Call Newspaper
Overall I am hopeful due to the manner and passion of Attorney Garrett, and how he is able to see many inconsistencies in the original trial, and the cherry picking of evidence during the original trial.
And what is [the matter] with you that you fight not in the cause of Allah and [for] the oppressed among men, women, and children who say, "Our Lord, take us out of this city of oppressive people and appoint for us from Yourself a protector and appoint for us from Yourself a helper?"
Qur’an: 4:75
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