Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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OPOW: Our Comrade And Sister Fulani Sunni Ali,,, رحمة الله عليها

I am a revolutionary black female nationalist: A womanist analysis of Fulani


Sunni Ali's role as a New African citizen and Minister of Information in the Provisional Government of the Republic of New Africa

by Gaines, Rondee, Ph.D., GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY, 2013, 261 pages; 3560080



Comrade  Lumumba with Comrade Fulani Sunni Ali, whom he defended on charges related to the robbery of a Brinks armored car in 1981

Iya Fulani Sunni-Ali Transitions To The Ancestors/ I am a Revolutio...

Historically, black women have always played key roles in the struggle for liberation. A critical determinant of black women’s activism was the influence of both race and gender, as these factors were immutably married to their subjectivities. African American women faced the socio-cultural and structural challenge of sexism prevalent in the United States and also in the black community. My study examines the life of Fulani Sunni Ali, her role in black liberation, her role as the Minister of Information for the Provisional Government for the Republic of New Africa, and her communication strategies. In doing so, I evaluate a black female revolutionary nationalist’s discursive negotiation of her identity during the Black Power and Black Nationalist Movement. I also use womanist criticism to analyze interviews with Sunni Ali and archival data in her possession to reveal the complexity and diversity of black women’s roles and activities in a history of black resistance struggle and to locate black female presence and agency in Black Power. The following study more generally analyzes black female revolutionary nationalists’ roles, activities, and discursive identity negotiation during the Black Power Movement. By examining Sunni Ali’s life and the way she struggled against racism and patriarchy to advocate for Black Power and Black Nationalism, I demonstrate how her activism was a continuation of a tradition of black women’s resistance, and I extrapolate her forms of black women’s activism extant in the movement.

Index Words: Black Nationalism, Nationalism, Black Power Movement, Womanism, Rhetoric, Provisional Government of the Republic of New Africa, Fulani Sunni Ali, Social Movement

Janaza Prayer For Sister Fulani Sunni Ali

14 Ramadan 1437 A.H. the Muslim community of Atlanta along with many
of our Comrades paid our last respects to our Sister and Comrade
Fulani Sunni Ali. Janaza was performed in the West End Atlanta at the
Community Masjid...We pray that Allah will forgive our sister her
shortcomings and grant her paradise.

Free The Land!

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More Pictures:  Janaza Of Sister/Comrade Fulani Sunni Ali 14 Ramadan 1437 A.H.

Janaza 14 Ramadan 1437, Sunday, West End Community Masjid...After Dhur Prayer...رحمة الله عليها

Views: 451

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on June 19, 2016 at 4:27pm
Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on June 19, 2016 at 4:28pm

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