Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

Dedicated to disseminating news & information not found in mainstream media....

June 9, 2012
Dear NCPCF Supporter,
Part of the mission of the National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms is to educate the public about the erosion of civil and political freedoms in our society, and the abuses of prisoners within the U.S. criminal justice system especially after 9/11. 
It is indisputable that many individuals, including dozens of American Muslims, have been the victims of government prosecutorial overreach and pre-emptive prosecutions based on thought crimes, entrapment, and manufactured charges. Many of those victims have received lengthy sentences and are under abusive conditions in prison.
NCPCF is seeking the generosity of 100 individuals, who are willing to donate $105 each to 100 of these victims, so NCPCF can send each $100 to their prison commissary accounts before the coming holy month of Ramadan (the extra $5 will go towards expenses such the purchase of money orders, processing fees, etc.). The Federal Bureau of Prisons allows for special purchase of Ramadan items (such as dates) during this holy month and NCPCF would like to send the money as soon as possible so the inmates can receive them before the end of June. 
This is a charitable appeal for people who are in great need of help to be given during the holiest times of the year. We hope that you will show generosity to people who are suffering because of governmental abuse of power and prosecutorial overreach. Please consider being one of those who have compassion to those in great need and distress.
Kindly send your generous donations by June 20, either through the NCPCF PayPal account at the right hand corner of the NCPCF website: www.civilfreedoms.org or send your check to: NCPCF, Ramadan Gifts, P.O. Box 66301, Washington, DC 20035.
When you make a donation please email us at donate@civilfreedoms.org and tell us that you have sent a donation either through PayPal or by a check.
Help us publicize and advertise this appeal on the social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter.
Thank you very much for your generosity and concern.
NCPCF Steering Committee
Please help NCPCF fulfill its mission.          DONATE
NCPCF Mission
Established in October 2010, the NCPCF is a coalition of national and local organizations as well as prominent individuals, whose mission is: To educate the public about the erosion of civil and political freedoms in the society, and the abuses of prisoners within the U.S. criminal justice system especially after 9/11, and to advocate for the preservation of those freedoms and to defend those rights according to the U.S. Constitution, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its related UN Conventions, and the Geneva Conventions.
Member Organizations
American Muslim Alliance (AMA) - Bill of Rights Defense Committee (BORDC) - Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) - Committee to Stop FBI Repression (CSFR) - Creating Law Enforcement Accountability and Responsibility (CLEAR) - Defending Dissent Foundation (DDF) - Desis, Rising Up and Moving (DRUM) - Friends of Human Rights (FHR) - International Action Center (IAC) - Islamic Circle of North America Council for Social Justice (ICNA-CSJ) - Muslim American Society Freedom (MAS-F) -Muslim Civil Liberties Union (MCLU) - Muslim Justice Initiative (MJI) - Muslim Legal Fund of America (MLFA) - National Lawyers Guild (NLG) - National Liberty Fund (NLF) - The Peace Thru Justice Foundation (PTJF) - Project Support and Legal Advocacy for Muslims (Project SALAM) - United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) - Universal Justice Foundation (UJF).

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