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Imam Nadim Ali: eMgage Honors Muslim African Americans...2023

EMGAGE Honors Muslim African Americans. By Imam Nadim Ali 3/1/23

Emgage, African American History Month 2023, Washington, D.C.

EMGAGE an organization that mobilizes Muslim American voters, advocates on policy issues, and supports candidates that serves in the best interests of the Muslim American community. EMGAGE hosted a luncheon in Washington, D.C. on 2/28/23 at the Old Ebbitt Grill to highlight and  honor the contributions of Muslim African Americans have made to preserving the legacy of Islam in this country.

There were many notable Muslims in attendance to receive the recognition that is long overdue.  Wa’el Alzayet, The CEO of EMGAGE articulated the many contributions of the general African American community, and the Muslim African American community via the Civil Rights Movement, and how the work that was done paved the way for the many immigrants that came from Muslim majority countries throughout the world.  He also committed to work to make EMGAGE reflect the Muslim American community by assuring that its board will diversify to the point of having more Muslim African Americans(which represents up to 35% of the overall Muslim community) on it.

To emphasize this fact he pointed to the hiring of Sister Salima Suswell as EMGAGE’S national senior organizing advisor, and executive director.  Sister Salima is a tireless worker on behalf of the Muslim community, and was instrumental in increasing the Muslim American vote in the last few election cycles.  Traversing throughout the country with the mission of assuring that the Muslim political strength is felt.  

Sister Salima highlighted the role of EMGAGE as being a voice for the Muslim American community nationally. 

  EMGAGE states that their role as the follows:

  • Mobilize Muslim American voters.

  • Support Policies that enable our community to thrive.

  • Promote the flourishing of democracy.

Sister Salima introduced Sister Raheemah Abdul Aleem, General Counsel, and Special Assistant To The President.  Sister Raheemah epitomizes the role that Muslim African Americans have played in this country by demonstrating proficiency in her work, and a commitment to her faith.  She highlighted the fact that as Muslim African Americans, we have a distinct culture from many other Muslim cultures. She even led the attendees in a Wilmore Siddiqui song which she along with many other Muslinm youth grew up singing.   She was able to emphasize the fact that we  need to be unapologetically Black, and unapologetically Muslim!

The role of Muslim organizations like EMGAGE cannot be understated due to the fact that many politicians are feeding into right wing ideology which by its nature is anti-Islamic, Pro-Zionist, and Christian Nationalist oriented.  As Muslims if we are going to be here we need to Be Here! In all aspects of society.  This need is highlighted by the roles of Sister’s Salima and Raheemah, both 2nd generation Muslimah and the daughters of two Philadelphia Imams(Imam Asim Abdur Rashid, and Imam Muhammad Abdul Aleem). They demonstrate the fact that we do not have to compromise our beliefs to serve in all spheres of this society.  

EMGAGE is committed to assuring that  American democracy  keeps its promise to all of its citizens regardless of their faith by turning out the Muslim voters, advocating on policies pertinent to the Muslim community, and supporting Muslim American friendly candidates.

Photos From eMgage Luncheon:  https://bilalmahmud.zenfolio.com/p133544797/slideshow#h5a4ed522


Nadim S. Ali, MA, LPC , MAC

Views: 62

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on March 2, 2023 at 5:55am

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