Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

Dedicated to disseminating news & information not found in mainstream media....

Atlanta Support Rally - in Solidarity with the Egyptian People

Saturday, February 12 · 12:00pm - 3:00pm

Location Infront of CNN Center
190 Marietta Street Northwest
Atlanta, GA
We will be going out tomorrow (February 12, 2011) to celebrate our newly founded freedom, and to call on America and the administration to support the people of Egypt in the upcoming transition.

"We Need Real Change," is our slogan.

So, please make sure to join us tomorrow. This time is as important as each of the last two weeks.

One more item to mention: A few of us will be in Sultan restaurant starting at 5:00 pm today to celebrate the news. Both CNN and Ch2 will be there to show the world that we have a side other than being angry :-)

If you can join us it would be great.

The address of the place is 5920 Roswell Rd NE # B108
Sandy Springs, GA 30328-4922
(404) 257-2220
لقد مر أسبوع آخر، وإخواننا في مصر الشقيقة وناضل بلا هوادة لتحقيق هدفهم المتمثل في الحرية. يجب علينا أن ندعمهم قدر الإمكان. وقد قضى الكثير منهم يوما، ليلا ونهارا في النضال من أجل الحق في ان تقول كيف يجب أن يعيشوا حياتهم. نطلب منكم مرة أخرى للخروج واعطائهم الدعم الخاص، وأنهم والعالم سيعرف أنها لا تقف وحدها. ما يؤثر على واحد منا يؤثر علينا جميعا. نأمل أن نراكم في السبت فبراير في مركز سي إن إن، اتلانتا، جورجيا
Another week has passed and our Brothers and Sister in Egypt have struggled relentlessly to achieve their goal of freedom.  We must support them as much as possible.  Many of them have spent days, and night in the struggle for the right to say how they should live their lives.  We ask you once again to come out and give them your support, that they and the world will know that they do not stand alone.  That which affects one of us affects all of us.  Hope to see you on Saturday, February at CNN Center , Atlanta, Ga. 
The Egyptian vice president stated unequivocally, “Egypt is not ready for a democracy”. Such statements beg the question, how can the Obama Administration consider vice president Suleiman as a partner who will support Egypt’s reformist movement towards true democracy.

1. Come show your support for the brave Egyptian people who are fighting tirelessly for their freedom, dignity, and rights.

...2. Take a moment to let the people of Egypt know that we are behind their efforts.

3. Show the US Media and the Public that we demand support for the Egyptian people.

And most importantly, please remember to keep the demonstration peaceful.
What to bring to the demonstration:
-------------------------- ------
Flags, banners, posters, and your voice.

Closest Marta Stop:
Dome/GWCC/Philips/CNN (North-South, Northeast-South, East-West, Proctor Creek)

If you are not able to attend this event, then please take a moment and share with your friends and ask them to do the same. Spread the word around as much as you can!

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