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A Deliberate Misrepresentation  Of the Hamas/Israeli Conflict

A Deliberate Misrepresentation 

Of the Hamas/Israeli Conflict

1/2 Of Gaza Is Children.

It is absurd how western major media outlets are condemning the recent attack by Hamas while making no mention of the ongoing atrocities that have been committed against the people of Palestine for the past 75 years. The fascist, racist, rogue israeli government and its ‘defense forces’ have been conducting savage, brutal operations that amount to clear acts of genocide against the Palestinian people for decades. Over the years, they have been shamelessly guilty of mercilessly killing children, women and non-combatant men by the hundreds and thousands. They have destroyed the families, homes and lives of tens of thousands more who have lived in the region through generations going back hundreds of years. They currently hold more children in prison than any other anglo-american-european so-called civilized nation on earth. The people of Gaza, in particular, have been subjected to the harshest conditions contrived to bring about their destruction “...in whole or in part.” It is obvious that these excesses have precipitated this recent act on the part of Hamas. So, it is understandable why they have resorted to such desperate measures to ‘strike’ at their enemy and oppressor.

The zionist israeli state is just as guilty as Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad in carrying-out egregious acts against innocents. From the time it declared itself a state; they have committed a consistent barrage of the most atrocious human-rights violations against the Palestinian people. It is disingenuous and gross, ‘double-standard’ hypocrisy for the western media to report on the injuries inflicted upon israeli citizens while making no mention of all the horrific crimes against humanity that the zionist state is guilty of in terms of the inhumane policies that have been enforced and executed against the people of Gaza, the Old City and the West Bank. 

The bigotry and racism is blatant! The u.s. media, unashamedly, makes reference to the number of israeli lives lost while making very little if any mention at all of the fact that, since israel began its counter-offensive, the number of indiscriminate deaths amongst Palestinians is surging. Their conscious, deliberate refusal to put the actions of Hamas into context with what has been happening to the Palestinian people for the past 70-80-90 years is outright treachery.

I Am Palestine

Targeting innocent children and women is never acceptable, condoned nor justified. It is categorically condemned by the ‘rules of war’ as they are laid-out in the various treatises that deal with Jihad. If those Muslim forces, who are opposing the oppressors and tyrants responsible for the misery, pain, suffering and wrong being perpetrated by the zionists and their backers, look to rid themselves, and the world, of the current state of denial, deprivation, injustice, oppression and tyranny plaguing the people of Palestine and the majority of the inhabitants of the planet; they must engage their enemy in a manner that is in strict adherence to, and conformity with, the dictates of Islamic Law as it is presented in the Shariah and the Sunnah. Hamas should know that killing innocent children and women is haram [forbidden] and will draw the displeasure and wrath of ALLAH. There is no way they can succeed as an Islamic movement under such conditions! To carry-out acts of war in ways that are inconsistent with those guidelines, while continuing to stoop-to-the level of their adversaries will only cause a condition to exist wherein the chaos, mayhem and murder will only yield a never-ending cycle of perpetual violence that will serve no one. 

We Are Not Animals...

While the People of Palestine have been pushed into a corner with such barbarity and cruelty that it is difficult to cite a situation that is comparable; it is still incumbent upon them to respond in manners that reflect the dignity, honor, integrity and respectability of Islam as it is illustrated in the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him), the pattern of conduct [adab] of the Khulafa Rashideen [the Rightly Guided Successors], the Sahabah [Companions] (ALLAH be pleased with them all), the Tabieen and Tabi’ Tabieen [the Followers and Followers of the Followers] (ALLAH have mercy on them) and all the Righteous Mujahideen who, down through the ages, have followed in their footsteps in manners that were in full accord and consistent with the ‘rules-of-war’ as it is exemplified in Islamic Tradition.

Death is a fair recompense for those who preside over a system of deliberate exploitation, injustice, oppression and tyranny as well as those who enforce it. It is meritorious to slay the enemies of ALLAH and man, who purposefully conceptualize, administrate over, impose and perpetrate conditions that cause people to suffer as a direct result of oppressive, tyrannical, unjust, wicked policies that are legislated into law and enforced by the administrative, executive, legislative, military and police institutions that dominate and exercise control over one’s life. However, during the process children, women and non-combatant men should never be targeted.


There’s a time for birth and a time for death. There’s a time for sadness and a time for joy. There’s a time to plant and a time to sow. There’s a time for peace and a time for war. This is a social-dynamic that has prompted every people on the planet; who have ever vied for their dignity, honor, independence, self-determination, self-respect and self-worth; to go to the deepest depths to fight, kill and die in defense of their collective humanity.


The facts support the argument that the global ‘oppressor-class’ holds the ‘common-people’ of the world in contempt and disdain. As a matter of fact, for all practical purposes, it is rather obvious that, for the most part, they don’t even see non-european people worthy of being afforded the same rights they acknowledge as being inherent to themselves and all other peoples of european descent. If Biden chooses to support the israelis in a scourge of war-crimes that are sure to occur as the idf launches its attack on Gaza in a ‘search and destroy’ campaign to crush and destroy Hamas; he should beware that ‘what goes around comes around.’ He should know that, ultimately, the ‘Hand of GOD’ is over the entire affair and he and his zionist cohorts will sooner or later find themselves under siege from quarters they can’t perceive.



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Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on October 10, 2023 at 5:45pm

Kofi Bilal Mahmud

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Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on October 11, 2023 at 4:15am

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