Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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Our 2016 Gala was a huge success!  The ISB wants to thank all the sponsors, guests, volunteers, community leaders, ISB members, and all our stakeholders to make the gala what it was. We would like to give a special thanks to our gala team.
Attendees enjoyed the dynamic video about the work of ISB, which was produced by  AM Production. You can see our video highlighting ISB's 15 years of achievement here. To see the inspiring video of our honorees, please click here. Please do check out journalist Maria Saporta's recap of the evening here.

Highlights from the Gala:

An elegant reception with music by the Roswell High School Orchestra was followed by the gala. An interfaith prayer was led by Rabbi Joshua Lesser, Dr. Gerald Durley, and Imam Adam Fofana. "We are a sacred family," said Rabbi Joshua Lesser. 

Following the interfaith prayer was a Flag Ceremony by Boy Scouts Troop 12.

Photocredit: Bilal Mahmud
Zaheer Faruqi, of ISB Board of Directors, emphasized the importance of building bridges in the community.

"We are truly continuing to change the narrative of Muslims in America," said Mr. Kevin Riley, Editor of Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and emcee of the evening. 

Mr. Cesar Mitchell, President of Atlanta City Council, gave a warm welcome to attendees. 
Following dinner, Dania Ibrahim, student of Johns Creek High School, performed a song, "Hold On," that she had written about hope inspired by the 40 Under 40 Georgia Muslim honorees.
Soumaya Khalifa, Founder and Executive Director of the Islamic Speakers Bureau of Atlanta, addressed the diverse group of attendees"I wish the world could see us tonight. We are the face of the country." 

 Attendees enjoyed watching a short video on the ISB's 15 years anniversary as well as an inspiring video on the 40 Under 40 Georgia Muslim honorees.  The honorees were then introduced on stage to receive their awards. 

Photocredit: Bilal Mahmud
More pictures:  http://bilalmahmud.zenfolio.com/p935336421
Photocredit: Bilal Mahmud

Photocredit: Bilal Mahmud

Photocredit: Bilal Mahmud
 To see a complete list of all the honorees, please click here. Mr. Akil Secret, of ISB Board of Directors, closed the evening and urged ISB supporters to keep building bridges by donating here.
Photocredit: Bilal Mahmud

 We thank you for attending and look forward to seeing you again soon! To view more images of this unforgettable evening, please search #40Under40GAMuslims or #ISBGala2016 on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Views: 146

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on October 6, 2016 at 1:23pm


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