Why has the US security apparatus which sees a Muslim terrorist behind every bush, still not listed Buddhist monk and convicted criminal U Wirathu, along with the "969" movement led by him, as terrorists?
Even Time magazine ran his picture last year on their cover in every country in the world except the exceptional United States, labeling him in the largest typeset that would fit as "The face of Buddhist Terror." Wirathu even calls himself the “Burmese Bin Laden.”
Despite spending seven years in prison for religious violence, Wirathu honoured with a "freedom of religion" award from the UK's foremost Burmese monastery in the same week that he spread rumours that a Rangoon school would be developed into a mosque. Myanmar's President Thein Sein praises him as a noble person dedicated to peace.
His "969" organization has recently linked up with groups in Sri Lanka and India which are violently pursuing the same anti-Muslim agenda, but the US security apparatus remains entirely silent and the international political apparatus continues its policy of engaging the Myanmar regime in both military and economic matters while praising the regime for its imaginary progress towards democracy.
Meanwhile, the Islamic world is hardly willing to recognize the dark skinned Rohingya as Muslims, despite the fact that they have been a jewel in the Islamic crown since at least the 9th century.
The situation could hardly be worse as roughly a million and half Burmese Muslims face a slow and agonising extermination.
Quite apart from Wirathu's role in agitating for extreme violence against Muslims, his mouth is a virtual cesspool of hate propaganda. He is on record as having praised the ultra-right wing English Defense League and said at various times:
"Muslim guests (in Burma) are violating, insulting and abusing the hospitality and tolerance of the Buddhist hosts. We have put up with these (Muslim) thieves, robbers abusers and invaders for too long. I don't want to resort to violence. But they continue behave like a band of car thieves. This situation requires radical solutions. We need covert actions like CIA and Mossad. I will make the Muslims of Mandalay starve. I will make them homeless. When I give you all the signal to start this campaign will you be ready to take actions!"
"Once we won this battle we will move on to other Muslim targets and we must keep on moving our (Muslim) targets. Now Moulmein is about to fall into the Enemy’s hand, or the hands of the Kalars (niggers), that is, of course, unless we fail to mobilize our Buddhist public’s force."
"Muslims are only well behaved when they are weak. When they become strong, they are like a wolf or a jackal; in large packs they hunt down other animals."
"All terrorists are Muslim; they kill innocent men and women so peace and Islam are not related."
"I am proud to be called a radical Buddhist."
"Over the past 50 years, we have shopped at Muslim shops and then they became richer and wealthier than us and can buy and marry our girls. In this way, they have destroyed and penetrated not only our nation but also our religion."
"In Iran, if an Iranian woman marries a German, the German would be executed by the Iranian State. Iran isn't afraid of Germany you know. The local woman would be caned. But that's a bit too cruel. I will only propose the following: Cut their (Muslim men's) dicks off. We need to make an example out of Muslim men who marry our women. As with our women who fell for the Muslim men, we can simply jail them. Only with this kind of legal actions will our mission of the 'defense of the Buddhist faith' will be most effective".
"You can be full of kindness and love, but you cannot sleep next to a mad dog.”
“Muslims are like the African carp. They breed quickly and they are very violent and they eat their own kind. Even though they are minorities here, we are suffering under the burden they bring us.”
"We are being raped in every town, being sexually harassed in every town, being ganged up on and bullied in every town. In every town, there is a crude and savage Muslim majority."
"I see Yangon or Rangoon is at the risk of falling to the Kalar’s or Muslims’ hand. Rangoonites, you must beware of this danger. I fear they (Muslim enemies) are increasingly taking over important positions in politics, society and so on."
"Muslim race is pitiful while Christians are very admirable and Hindus are a lovely people. I pity the Muslims. Conflicts are always with Islam. It's because of their extremist, superstitions and narrow-mindedness. It's because they lack capacity to adapt and integrate. It's because of their blinding stupidity. I really do feel pitiful towards them. If we are weak, our land will become Muslim."
"I don't have much confidence in or anticipations for 'democracy'. If we don't have democracy, Buddhism will still survive and thrive. If we don't have Buddhism we will be finished. So, we must work towards enacting a law banning Buddhist-Muslim marriages."
"The Muslims are plotting to take over Myanmar with their 100-year plan. They will take over our country's sovereignty through inter-faith marriages of Buddhists. The Muslims are sowing bad blood between our Armed Forces and the Burmese Buddhist public."
“100 percent of rape cases are by Muslims.
"Muslims target innocent young Burmese girls and rape them."
"The local Muslims are crude and savage because the extremists are pulling the strings, providing them with financial, military and technical power."
"The day Muslims of Burma acquire human mind it will be the day I will stop preaching (anti-Muslim) sermons. But so far, they have despicable and dangerous destroyers of our Buddhism and Buddhist symbols, in spite of our country having greater religious freedoms than the United States with its animal rights."
"There is a bleak future for our country when important positions are occupied by ‘them’ (Muslims). They do everything from ‘their’ nationalist (Muslim) perspective. That is why, we must all adopt this ‘969’ nationalist mindfulness. 9 stands for the 9 special attributes of Lord Buddha; 6 for the special attributes of his teaching/Dharma; and 9 for the 9 special attributes of the Sangha or Buddhist Order. We must only do business or otherwise interact with our own kind: same race and same faith. Your purchases/money you spent in ‘their’ (Muslim) shops will benefit the Enemy. They take our women. In Rakhine State, with their population explosion, they are capturing it and they will capture our country in the end. So, do business with only shops with ‘969’ signs."
Of course when condemning this terrorist, we should not overlook that there are many decent Buddhists; nor should we ignore the fact that fact China and the Burmese government is 100% behind, involved in and supportive of this racist's agenda of violence. The same holds true for many of the activists who comprised the anti-Junta "88 Generation."
"Wirathu draws inspiration from Sri Lanka where Buddhism is, he claims, a bedrock of all schools.
1) Make Buddhism mandatory in all schools and educational institutions;
the current branches of secular knowledge do not equip the Burmese Buddhists to defend their faith, their race and their nation against the imminent threat posed by the rising diabolical Muslim onslaught. All Buddhist Dharma Lecturers need to take over and shape the school knowledge in all schools in their localities.
2) Ban all Buddhist-Muslim marriages because Buddhist society has reached a high risk point where its population has been threatened by the growth of the Muslim population which is growing through coerced religious conversion of Buddhist men and women who marry Muslim spouses.
All secularly educated Burmese must operate mentally and intellectually, within "the Buddhist framework"; or they will themselves become instrument of destruction of Buddhism, Buddhist race and Buddhist nation.
As a matter of strategy, he advocates:
1) Solicit official support and funding from the State in Burma because it is not enough for the Buddhist laity (lay public) and the Sangha (monks) to unite in the defense of Buddhist faith. The state needs to back this movement to defend the faith, the nation and the race. So far the State is doing nothing in defense of our faith.
2) Turn and fully develop Dharma teaching by Buddha Dharma Lecturers in to courses in 'nationalist consciousness' where we produce 'high quality Buddhists whose horizon has been expanded'.
3) Train Dharma lecturers in public speaking and in the missionary methodologies."
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