Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

Dedicated to disseminating news & information not found in mainstream media....


                        Zakat USA Fund 


P.O. Box 1241, Conley, Ga. 30288-7018 Ph. 678.926.8057

                         Email:  zakatinusa@gmail.com          Webb:  zakatusa.wordpress.com/about


Dear Brothers and Sisters:

I pray that this message will find you and those near you in the full protection of Allah.  I am happy to inform you that your generous donations were received, and will be  disbursed in the best possible way according to the rules of Zakat distribution in Islam. 

Thank you very much for your generous   donations to Zakat U.S.A. in  2011, we look forward to your further assistance in 2012/1433.  God Willing....

 When you contribute to Zakat U.S.A. you join a circle of hope for many needy and destitute Muslim in America.  A circle that allows us to fulfill our religious obligation of paying Zakat, while allowing our needy brothers and sister to be helped at the same time retaining their dignity and honor. 

 For more information about Zakat U.S.A. please visit our site (http://zakatusa.wordpress.com/).  Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions, we appreciate your input. 

 Zakat U.S.A. is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit project.   A special project of Masjid Mutakabbir Inc./ Ibrahim Onour Charitable Fund Inc.    Our mission is to help needy  Muslim brothers and sister in the U.S.A. Contrary to popular opinion poverty is alive and well in America.  We all have to do our part to help those less fortunate than ourselves.  All funds collected are used exclusively in the U.S.A.

We pray that Allah will touch your hearts even more during 2012/1433 and you will help us help more of our brothers and sisters in dire need.  A short statement from one of our sister whom you made helping possible:

"MashAllah brother may Allah reward you. Allah is so merciful. Thank you for removing this and bringing me ease. "

Your Brother In Islam,

Fund Administrator

 Bilal Mahmud Executive Director of Fund


Please Donate Today....Donations Are Tax Deductible

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