Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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This is the "women's lib" age as the West preform to term it. But is it true? Is it not a lip-service age turning women practically to "dolls" or something like "real-life dolls"?


Women entering the fold of Islam played an enviable prominent role, side by side their counterparts, in shaping and developing the Muslim society as a model from the onset, emancipating humanity, men and women, from the shackles of deep-rooted ignorance. Women in Islam have a very special place, status, and dignity that is unknown to mankind before or after.

The life sketches of the early female believers, in this book, stand as beacon and outstanding models for the so-called "weaker sex" and call for the revival of the pristine, lofty, high position of women in the society once again.

The women in this book are listed in categories, such as "Mothers of the Prophet", "Wives of the Prophet", "The Prophet's Daughters", and many more categories.

Some women included in this book are:

  • Aminah Bint Wahb
  • Haleema as-Sa'diyah
  • Barakah
  • Fatiman bint Asad
  • Khadeedjah bint Khuwaylid
  • Sawdah
  • 'Aishah
  • Maymoonah
  • Hafsah
  • Zaynab bint Khuzaymah
  • Safiyyah bint Huyy ibn Akhtab
  • Umm Habeebah
  • Umm Salamah
  • Mariyah
  • Juwayriyah bint al-Harith
  • Umm Hani and Nab'ah
  • Asma' bint Abu Bakr
  • Safiyah bint 'Abdul-Muttalib
  • Umm al-Fadl
  • Asmaa' bint Umays
  • Umm Ma'bad
  • Umm 'Ammarah
  • Naseebah bint Ka'b
  • Rufaydah al-Aslamiyah
  • Umm Waraqah
  • Umm Kulthoom
  • Umm Sulaym
  • Umm Haram bint Milhan
  • Fatimah bint al-Khattab
  • Umm Manee'
  • Al-Khasna'
  • Shaymaa'
  • Ruqayyah And last but definitely not least...
  • Fatimah az-Zahrah 

Read this book. Live the lives of these great women as they lived them around the prophet. You will tell the tales to your friends and families. But most importantly... You will never forget them.

Views: 179

Comment by Saiitah on February 15, 2011 at 4:48pm

As salaamu alaykum

What is important to remember is that Islam came to free women from the oppression within their respective cultures.  This done by women having full participation in the society, not just the "role" of women.  At least this is what I get from reading about women in the time of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).  With full participation, women and men come to know each other, as something more than sexual object, mean objectifying women, women objectifying men.  Women's liberation is important, regardless of the popular misconceptions spread about the women's movement here in the west or in  the deeply embedded pursuit of liberation of women in Islamic as well as non Islamic societies and cultures.  In the west this liberation is open and vocal.  Outside of the west (speaking of Islamic nations) it is subdued, subversive, but evident.  The symbols of women's oppression - domestic violence, poverty, maternal deaths, child mortality, second-class citizenship are just some of the things women everywhere seek liberation from.  We seek liberation from arbitary treatment and mal-treatment by men and we seek liberation from having to use our "wilds" (whatever that is, our femininity I guess) to trap and hold husbands or lovers (opps).  Allah gave us full human status, it is our cultures that question our humanity and ability to live to realize dreams we have for ourselves.   The struggle is not about sexual liberation, that is another struggle that we have to have as we engage ourselves and our cultures in the struggle to be liberated from the worst aspects of the cultures in which we all are born into, live in and die out of.  I admire these great women, but that is not enough.  How do we today create such environments for all women, from a "her-story" perspective.  Allah knows Best.


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