Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless
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Will Kamala Harris be An Alternative To
The Lesser of Two Evils?
Contributed by Khalid Abdullah...
The u.s. in collaboration with a hand full of other nations is giving full cooperation and support to the zionist in what, practically, the entire international community has declared a genocide. Genocide is the ‘crime of all crimes’ in the arena of human interaction. Yet, most members of the two houses of congress, the entire white house staff and a considerable part of the u.s. electorate see no harm or wrong in the position that’s been assumed by this country.
Now along comes Kamala Harris! People are in a mad frenzy about her candidacy and the promise she poses for a meaningful change in the woeful conditions plaguing american society. Question is…is she going to be a factor for change as an alternative to evil? It depends on whether or not the vice president assumes an honorable, moral posture and course of action that desists from partaking in ‘business-as-usual’. She can continue trends such as being a partner in the genocide of the Palestinian people; the tendency of presidential candidates to ignore the plight of ‘lower-class’ people in this country by neglecting to mention those at the ‘bottom-rung’ of the economic ladder as they direct their comments and place all emphasis on the ‘middle-class’ while completely disregarding and showing total lack of concern for the welfare and well-being of the disadvantaged, poverty stricken segment of the nation’s population that has been consigned to the status of a chronic underclass for decades; putting the interest of big business, venture capitalism and the military industrial complex over the needs and demands of u.s. citizens by contining to finance war efforts in Ukraine, the zionist genocide being waged in Gaza and the numerous proxy wars taking place in various regions on the the Afrikan continent? Or, she can show character by exhibiting a commitment to genuine equity, fairness, justice, normalcy and truth.
The vice president’s absence at the address of the zionist butcher before the joint session of congress was a ‘good look’. However, will she remain persistent on such a trajectory? Or will she resort to the standard u.s. domestic and foreign policies by condoning and sanctioning horrendous crimes against humanity while ignoring the decrepit living conditions of the people who she is supposed to serve; in a manner similar to her predecessor and all previous administrations who have traditionally exhibited such wayward misconduct?
As another u.s. presidential election is coming around. Are people, once again, going to face the dilemma of choosing between ‘the lesser of two evils’? Or will they have a clear choice between a candidate who stands on decency, honor, morality, respect and truth as opposed to one who represents the same ‘double-standard’, hypocritical, white-supremacist posture the american brand has always represented?
“Who recommends and helps a good cause becomes a partner therein. And whoever recommends and helps an evil cause, shares in its burden: and ALLAH has power over all things.” 4:85
By aiding someone to gain a positon from whence they can perpetrate genocide, injustice, oppression and tyranny is to be complicit and a partner in the crime. Casting a vote that allows a person to carry out the acts of an oppressive tyrant amounts to aiding and abetting tyranny. This particularly holds true when one knows in advance the evil nature and intentions of the tyrant and the likely outcome of their assuming a position of authority. In such a case; the lesser of two evils will still lead you to hell.
Bad is bad. Evil is evil. Wrong is wrong. The only alternative to any of the three is that which is good, decent and upright. Ultimately, nothing genuinely good can ever come from anything lacking virtue. Actually, and figuratively, that which is inherently evil will land a person in perdition and be the cause of all sorts of problems along the way. As for this particular situation of selecting one miscreant in preference of another; the dignified, honorable alternative would be to wage a campaign of resistance that seeks to establish an order based on truth and justice. To do so, however, requires dignity, honor, integrity, self-respect and an uncompromising, unrelenting commitment and dedication to defending and upholding that which is right.
It is outright foolishness to resign oneself to the old notion of ‘the lesser of two evils’ regarding the matter of casting a vote in the upcoming presidential election. If Kamala Harris continues as an avid supporter of, and participant in, the ongoing genocide; leaving trump as a likely instigator and proponent of an impending genocide right here in america: you will, really, have no ‘lesser of two evils’.
The ‘fall-out’ in the aftermath of the general election could see total anarchy breaking out in the event of trump losing the election. And in the case where he wins; there’s no telling what kind of draconian measures and policies he’s going to oversee as he sets out to activate a fascist, totalitarian agenda to reverse all the major economic, political and social advances that have occurred since the ‘Civil Rights’ and ‘Voting Rights’ Acts of 1964 and 1965 respectively.
Either way, win or lose, trump poses an existential threat, not only to democracy, but to the well-being, welfare and very existence of the multitude of non-european people living in this country. This is due to the hateful, racist character and nature of his main support base who see, not only democrats as their avowed enemy but, all people who don’t act like, look like, talk like, and think like them and/or believe in other than that to which they subscribe. Hence, the situation provides prime, fertile ground for a potential genocide, right here in the ‘good-ol u.s.a.’.
Most people have become immersed in the ’line of thinking’ that places the greatest emphasis on materialistic, mundane, physical attractions while giving very little if any consideration at all to the higher matters of ethics and moral principles. They are unable to perceive a ‘way of life’ that transcends the crass, unrefined point of view that is based on a ‘train-of-thought’ pattern steeped in ‘western values’. Consequently, resigning themselves to a subconscious state of ‘self-defeat’; they resort to notions and practices such as settling for “the lesser of two evils.” Such a posture is unacceptable. We do have an alternative that the historical record clearly illustrates as being practical and, at times, beneficial and fruitful. No self-respecting human being should ever subscribe to the notion of 'the lesser of two evils'.
Kamala Harris must be called-out! It should be demanded that she clearly state her position on the genocide in Palestine; the proxy wars in Afrika and the Ukraine; as well as the myriad of social policies that are indicative of serious moral decline in this country. She must make it plain whether or not she intends to go down the same corrupt, genocidal, murderous path of her predecessor and all the other u.s. presidents who have held office since the state of israel came into existence with the assistance of the anglo-american-european political bloc. If she were to be elected and adopt the same trajectory as biden; she will be no better than he, netanyahu, trump and all the ill-intended, mean spirited criminals who are fiendishly engaging in genocide resulting in the deliberate deaths of thousands upon thousands of innocent babies, children and women.
There are no people on the face of the earth who have suffered on a level comparable to the degree of the horrors inflicted upon american Born People of Afrikan Descent: none! We would be in our every right to reciprocate those responsible for all the abuse, brutality, disrespect, humiliation, injustice, oppression and tyranny they have, and continue to, impose[d] on us in a manner warranted for all the wrongs we’ve suffered.
The path of goodwill and peace is always the best route to take when seeking to right wrongs. However, voting someone into office who is going to continue the crime of perpetrating genocide and oppression is tantamount to having the blood of innocents on their hands by virtue of their aiding, abetting and acquiescing to it. All those who go along with such an agenda are just as bad and guilty as those who give the orders, pull the triggers and launch the bombs and rockets. There is always an alternative. The path of dignity, honesty, integrity, morality and respect will always be better than succumbing to evil in any degree or on any terms. GOD will always look favorably on those who adopt ‘death with honor rather than life with shame’.
Oppression is... "the act, or fact, of imposing harsh government or keeping people down through implementation of cruel or harsh policies: social, judicial or legislative.”
Forever be mindful that…“Three classes of men will be cut-off from the benediction of heaven. The oppressor, those who aid and abet oppression and those who tolerate oppression.” Ali ibn Abu Talib (May ALLAH be pleased with him and bless his countenance)
Beware! Blindly following Kamala Harris may lead one to the pits of hell!
Kofi Bilal Mahmud
Executive Director
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