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Why Sheikh Hamza Yusuf Can’t Teach Black People Islam!

  1. "At times, one cannot distinguish as to whether Hamza Yusuf is speaking as an Islamic Scholar or a clueless white liberal. While any Muslims are aware of “Shayk...h” Hamza Yusuf’s horrendous comments at the reviving the Islamic Spirit Conference where he fails to recognize any causality between institutional racism and the destruction of the Black family..."

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  1. Enjoining Justice
  1. patheos.com|By Truth to Power

Islam spread in Black America, because of Black Muslims who boldly spoke against white supremacy.  Black Muslims worked to raise the self-esteem of ordinary Black folks which had been destroyed in a white supremacist society. Islam, was active in mitigating the social ills of the Black ghetto, from drug addictions, gang violence, poor education, and raising political awareness and consciousness. Today, considered by some to be a leader in the Muslim community “Shaykh” Hamza Yusuf blatantly disrespects the legacy of Black Muslims and all that Black Muslims toiled for in the United States.

A comprehensive analysis of Hamza Yusuf’s ministry reveals that it is completely devoid of knowledge of the political realities facing Black America and his status as a leader in the Muslim community spreads an image about Islam that runs counter to the image that Black Muslims must spread, for Black Muslims to successfully undercut and defeat Black Orientalism and other challenges, that impugns the legitimacy and spread of Islam in Black America.  In short: Hamza Yusuf cannot teach Black people Islam and Black people have no business studying Islam from him.

          Hamza Yusuf:  Speaking as an Islamic Scholar or a typical Clueless White Liberal?

At times, one cannot distinguish as to whether Hamza Yusuf is speaking as an Islamic Scholar or a clueless white liberal. While many Muslims are aware of “Shaykh” Hamza Yusuf’s horrendous comments at the reviving the Islamic Spirit Conference where he fails to recognize any causality between institutional racism and the destruction of theBlack family, left  equally unaddressed were equally repulsive statements he has made at  other... In a video titled, “Black Lives Matter – Shaykh Hamza Yusuf clarifies”, Hamza Yusuf discusses his mother who he says attended civil rights marches and lauds the civil rights movement, before castigating the Black Lives Matter activists as “ reverse racist” and the anger he sees among activist.

For the record: It does not impress nor move me a single iota that “Shakyh” Hamza Yusuf’s mother fought in the civil rights movement because my family traces their Islamic genealogy to the Nation of Islam which successfully hypothesized the civil rights legislation as woefully inadequate to redress Black suffering and stood as an organizational entity opposed to integration.  The problem with Hamza Yusuf’s statement is that there is an unjustified inherent assumption that the civil rights movement was superior to Black movements who sought a freedom for Black people and Black self determination outside of the confines of liberalism.

Read full article:  http://www.patheos.com/blogs/truthtopower/2017/08/hamza-yusuf-cant-...

Views: 130

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on August 22, 2017 at 8:21pm


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