Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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Toxic Waste In Marine Water...Semper Fi Always Faithful...

The Marine Story...

ourt misinterpreted their law of repose............

Semper Fi Movie Poster

United States Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, NCWelcome to The Few, The Proud, The Forgotten. The purpose of this site is to help provide information about the toxic water contamination aboard U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune. Please feel free to register, look around our site and ask questions. We invite you to visit our Discussion page. We have also recently completed a referenced time line of events for the first half of the toxic water contamination aboard Camp Lejeune. Please review this important document and compare it to prior “official” Marine Corps versions found on the page.

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) is currently studying the effects of toxic exposure upon former residents of Camp Lejeune. Two separate water distribution systems aboard Camp Lejeune were found to be contaminated, the Tarawa Terrace and Hadnot Point water distribution systems. ATSDR has completed the water modeling for the Tarawa Terrace water distribution system and has determined the system was contaminated from June 1957 until 1 March 1987. The ATSDR water modeling for the Hadnot Point water distribution system is underway but has not been completed. Therefore, the beginning date of the contamination has not been determined for any of those areas that were historically served by the Hadnot Point water distribution system...

(L to R) Jerry Ensminger, Mike Gros & Jeff Byron being sworn in at a Congressional Hearing on Camp Lejeune on June 12, 2007. All three men are members of The Few, The Proud, The Forgotten and spoke on behalf of all of the victims of the Camp Lejeune water contamination. Historically, Midway Park, Berkeley Manor, and Paradise Point housing areas received their finished tap water from the Hadnot Point water system prior to 1972. After that date, these areas received their water from the Holcomb Boulevard water distribution system. Hospital Point and Hadnot Point (Main side) to include French creek received their finished water from the Hadnot Point water distribution system up until the contaminated wells were taken offline, contaminated water for these areas ceased in February of 1985. However, beginning 27 January 1985 through 4 February 1985, the Holcomb Boulevard water treatment plant was taken off line due to a generator fuel spill in the water system. Water was rerouted from the Hadnot Point water distribution system in order to supply water to Midway Park, Berkeley Manor, Paradise Point, and Watkins Village. The water furnished to these areas during the 9 day period was highly contaminated with VOCs.

Jerry's daughter Janey was one of 12,598 children conceived and or born aboard the base from 1968-1985 who are under study by ATSDR for adverse health effects from their exposure to the contaminated water. Janey was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of 6 and died at the age of 9 from the disease. Jerry has been involved in uncovering the truth at Camp Lejeune ever since he discovered that he and his family were exposed to the chemicals at the base 12 years after Janey's death. The water provided by the Tarawa Terrace and Hadnot Point distribution systems was highly contaminated with various chemicals, including the VOCs (volatile organic compounds) known as PCE (Tetrachloroethylene aka Perchloroethylene), TCE (Trichloroethylene), DCE (Dichloroethylene), Vinyl Chloride and BTEX (Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylene).These chemicals are either known or suspected human carcinogens. Many Marines, Sailors, their families and loyal civilian employees have been affected by the contamination in various ways including, but not limited to: liver cancer, kidney cancer, breast cancer, bladder cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, cervical cancer, lung cancer, leukemia, non Hodgkins lymphoma, liver disease, miscarriages, birth defects (cleft palate, heart defects, Choanal atresia, neural tube defects, low birth weight, and small for gestational age),etc. Unfortunately, many of these families still have not been notified by the USMC of the danger from their exposure. In 1987 Camp Lejeune was recommended for listing as a Superfund site on the National Priorities List (NPL) by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Camp Lejeune was officially listed as a Superfund site in 1989.

"One person can make a difference, and every person should try." - John F. Kennedy


September 2010 Congressional Hearing

Seated (L-R) at the witness table: Mike Partain, Peter Devereaux, Jim Watters and Dr. Mike Hargett. USMC Maj Gen Eugene G Payne Jr is seated immediately behind the witness panel.

Jerry Ensminger, Erin Brockovich, and Mike Partain In Washington, DC

08/06/2012 Lejeune Families becomes law!

If you have questions, comments, or concerns, please contact one of the following:

For general questions, comments, concerns and/or website-related or technical issues, please contact tftptf@aol.com. Either Jerry or Mike will respond to your email as soon as possible.

Co-founder & CAP Member Jerry.Ensminger@tftptf.com Jerry Ensminger- Co-founder
Lead Community
Member & CAP Member
Mike.Partain@tftptf.com Mike Partain- Lead Community Member

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