Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

Dedicated to disseminating news & information not found in mainstream media....

To Those Who Would Resist in Pursuit of Justice


Oppression is defined as "...the act of keeping people down through implementation of cruel or harsh policies: social, judicial or legislative.” While tyranny is cruel or unjust [mis] use of power. 

The Men Of The Movement

The recent ruling in the case of Mumia Abu Jamal and, perhaps, even more so, the continuous travesty of justice

The Men Of The Movement

prevailing in the cases of Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin and Leonard Peltier are textbook illustrations of oppression and tyranny in action. Each one of them is the ultimate ‘slap-in-the-face’. The idea that any alleged ‘court-of-law’ could be allowed to hand down a decision such as that put forth by the presiding judge in Mumia's case defies all sense of decency and reason.

The Men Of The Movement

Mumia’s case has exposed such severe contradictions and violations of justice, ‘due-process’ and standard judicial decorum that it can only be viewed as totally unacceptable. While those of Imam Jamil and Leonard both make a clear illustration as to just how blind this country's so-called justice system is; that it would allow them to remain imprisoned considering all the factors surrounding their convictions. The disregard for truth and justice in these cases is so despicable that it warrants any response deemed appropriate by those who advocate for, claim to love and posture themselves as supporters of genuine, real justice.

However, given the ‘state-of-affairs’ in the way things have been unfolding in the u.s. government apparatus – i.e. the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election, the Jan. 6th fiasco at the u.s. capital and all the buffoonery forthcoming from elected officials that gets more outrageous with each passing day – it really shouldn't surprise anyone that facts and truth have been completely ignored in the interest of personal, selfish, unscrupulous aspirations driven by envy, fear, greed, hate and racism. To expect the miscreants who preside over the u.s. court system to rule in a fair, impartial manner allowing for actual justice to prevail is tantamount to living in a ‘dream-world’. Those who control this government and dominate over its society only flirt with justice when it's to their advantage and benefit. Otherwise, justice is just a word that they use when it's convenient and serves their end.

The Black Liberation Army had the right idea. Its approach is not to be abandoned. It’s to be adapted, improved upon and, resumed in manners reflective of organized resistance movements of the past. The  only difference being that, this time, it be waged with a conscientious, deliberate intent to serve the Cause of ALLAH – the cause of truth, love, justice, peace and prosperity for all people of the world.

It would behoove those who aspire to carry-on the legacy of the struggle for the liberation, independence, self-determination and self-rule of Afrikan, Latino and Native Indigenous people, in particular, and all poor and oppressed people, in general; to pay heed and act upon the following instruction:

And fight them on until there is no more oppression and tyranny; and justice and faith in ALLAH prevails.” Sura Al-Anfal 8:38

ALLAH commands justice! But it is not free and doesn’t come without preconditions.

Any people that fail to exact justice, or – under conditions ripe for it to prevail – refuse to enforce it, will find themselves denied and deprived of it. Plain and simple. Such will be their plight. Justice will evade them, and do so perpetually. So will be their case, until they begin to aggressively and uncompromisingly assert themselves in a manner reflecting one of the two former modes of practical application – wage war to win it or enforce it. People must either fight and take justice or die in the process of pursuing it. At any rate, we must exact justice or die trying!


To close-out in the words of El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz/Malcolm X..."Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man you take it."

The U.S. Captured Political Prisoners/POW's  Whose Birthday Are This Month 

Hernández, Alvaro Luna #255735
#255735 McConnell Unit
3001 Emily Drive
Beesville, TX 78102
United States

Birthday: May 12, 1952

Grailing (Kojo) Brown
#39384-066 USP Canaan
P. O. Box 300
WaymartPA 18472
Birthday: May 27
If you are able, take time to send them a greeting.

You can still send your own personal cards or letters to political prisoners. It’s an easy way to help remind these freedom fighters that they aren’t forgotten. If you make one, remember—don’t use anything like white-out, stickers, tape or glitter on it. We also recommend that you put their name, address, and prisoner I.D. number on the card, lest the authorities “lose” the envelope and/or "forget" where it is going.

Free All Political Prisoners!

Views: 28

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on September 3, 2023 at 10:34am

Kofi Bilal Mahmud

Executive Director


Oppressed Peoples Online Word 

Your Voice Since 2010

The Voice Of The Voiceless...A People Without A Voice Can Not Be Heard!

Periodically we at OPOW have to make an evaluation on our being able to sustain this effort of bringing  you stories that many of you enjoy.  We do not take adds, nor do we charge a subscription.  Much or most of our operating expense is covered by a few individuals who have been very generous over the past 13 years.

Much of our content is supplied by volunteers and myself.   With that being said, we need your support to continue this effort.  No amount is too small or too large.  Please consider becoming a much needed supporter of OPOW today.  In advance, from all of us at OPOW,  we thank you for your continued support.  

Bilal Mahmud
Executive Director OPOW

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