Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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The Verbal Supporters of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui

11006 Veirs Mill Rd, STE L-15, PMB       298
Silver Spring, MD. 20902
December 31, 2013
To The Verbal       Supporters of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui
Assalaamu Alaikum:       Dear Muslims,
A wise man once       said: "A true friend is your needs answered."       Over the past four and a half years that I've been involved in the Free       Aafia campaign, I've come across (conservatively speaking)       hundreds of verbal supporters and       well wishers of Aafia, from Massachusetts to Texas, but far, far       fewer material supporters - i.e. the type that would       sacrifice their time and/or        money to help make a difference in the campaign       for Aafia's freedom!
It's after three       o'clock in the morning, and I'm just returning home from a trip       to the south. On my way back from the ICNA-MAS Convention in Atlanta       I made two stops along the way to two masajid that maintain an open door       policy for their brother Saalakhan and his work  I spoke last       night at the Islamic Center       of Charlotte and earlier tonight at the Islamic Association of       Raleigh
(May ALLAH bless       the leadership of these two North Carolina centers for such an open       door policy; and for those brothers and sisters at these centers whose       support we can always count on!)
Given the fact       that we are now in the early morning hours of December 31st - the last day       to make a TAX DEDUCTIBLE DONATION for the year 2013, I thought that       I should send off one last reminder for the year (for those for       whom this is an added incentive) before going to bed;       because we need your material support, and we need it       NOW! 
During this trip,       a respected elder (who has long been a supporter of our humble work)       asked the question, after hearing about our plans for international       travel on Aafia's behalf next month: "Br. Saalakhan, who is       going to fund your campaign?" I responded with a smile:        "We are." (The Muslims of America will do       their part to fund this campaign. Why? Because we must...for our own       dignity and self-respect!) 
With that said,        I deeply thank those who have already        done their part by contributing their share;       and I thank (in advance) those of you who will follow suit       after receiving this reminder. To the others...may ALLAH bless you to one       day move up another notch in your verbal  commitment.
The struggle       continues,
El-Hajj Mauri'       Saalakhan
*       You can make a secure donation online at : www.civilfreedoms.org
Should you wish to avail       yourself of this NCPCF tax-deductible option, please       send an e-mail to peacethrujustice@aol.com to alert us to the donation made "For       Aafia."
You can       also send a donation via check or money order directly to       the following:
The Peace       Thru Justice Foundation
11006 Veirs       Mill Road
STE L-15,       PMB 298
Silver       Spring, MD. 20902
If the       check is made payable to NCPCF, and received after       today, it will be tax deductible for the 2014 calendar year. If       the check is made payable to The Peace Thru Justice Foundation, it will       not be tax exempt. (However, either way is Zakat       eligible!)
Thank you       again for your   support!

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