Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

Dedicated to disseminating news & information not found in mainstream media....


And in honor of all current and former P.P.'s/P.O.W.'s who gave and sacrificed their all to the struggle for truth, love, justice & peace... 

'The Song of The Freedom Fighter'

Red Black and Green

The song of the ‘Freedom Fighter’ is the sound of children as they laugh and play.

It’s the song of birds heralding the sun’s rising at the start of a brand new day.

It’s the song of the sultry songstress singing of days long gone past.

It’s the song of beautiful melodies you wish wouldn’t come to an end so fast.

It’s the song of long held memories of days of enjoyment full of joy and love.

It’s the song of those same song-birds singing their tunes from branches high above.

It’s the song of the jazz composition full of power, strength and rage.

It’s the song of a book of poetry with soothing lines page after page.

It’s the song of beautiful images clearly visible in the thoughts of the mind. 

It’s the song of a group of people quietly praying for better times. 

It’s the song of solemnly praying for one’s loved ones who are dead.

It’s the song of praising The Creator knowing that better days are ahead.

It’s the song of firm optimism, knowing that change is gonna come.

It’s the song of confidence and courage knowing where that change is comin from. 

It’s the song from deep down inside saying that “i will never give up!”.

It’s the song that drives one to keep on fighting, determined to never stop.

It’s the song giving determination to bring oppression and tyranny to an end.

It’s the song of celebration knowing that we eventually will win.

It’s the song that teaches of the “Arc of Justice” and that “The price of freedom is death!”.

It’s the ‘Warrior’s’ song that continues to inspire long after breathing one’s final breathe.

But more than anything else and most above.

The song of ‘The Freedom Fighter’ is the ‘Warrior’s’ song of never-ending love.

Love for ALLAH – The Creator of all things…The Source of Justice, Love and Truth...

Sung in dedication to fight til victory for the future of our upcoming youth.

Views: 33

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on September 12, 2024 at 11:45pm

Kofi Bilal Mahmud

Executive Director


Oppressed Peoples Online Word 

Your Voice Since 2010

The Voice Of The Voiceless...A People Without A Voice Can Not Be Heard!

Periodically we at OPOW have to make an evaluation on our being able to sustain this effort of bringing  you stories that many of you enjoy.  We do not take adds, nor do we charge a subscription.  Much or most of our operating expense is covered by a few individuals who have been very generous over the past 13 years.

Much of our content is supplied by volunteers and myself.   With that being said, we need your support to continue this effort.  No amount is too small or too large.  Please consider becoming a much needed supporter of OPOW today.  In advance, from all of us at OPOW,  we thank you for your continued support.  

Bilal Mahmud
Executive Director OPOW

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The Voice Of The Voiceless... A People Without A Voice Can Not Be Heard...

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Oppressed Peoples Online Word 

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