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1. A clean body: having a clean body is a requirement for an acceptable salah.
Having a clean body should lead to good hygiene.

2. Clean clothes: having clean clothes is a requirement for an acceptable salah.
Having clean clothes should lead to a good appearance.

3. A clean location: praying in a clean location is a requirement for an acceptable salah.
Praying in a clean location should lead to keeping a clean environment.

4. The times: praying at and during designated times is a requirement for a complete salah.
Having set times for salah should lead to timely behavior.

5. An ablution: having ablution is a requirement for an acceptable salah.
Ablution is preparation for the salah and should lead to an understanding of the need for preparation.

6. The adhan and eqamah: the adhan and eqamah are announcements for the start of the salah individually and collectively.
Keeping start times should make one aware of the need to be aware of the time and aware of being on time.

7. The qiblah: facing the direction of the qiblah is necessary for a complete salah.
Knowing directions is necessary when having to get from point A to point B.

8. The congregational salah: congregational salah is 27 times more valuable than individual salah.
Congregational salah teaches the value of collective activity.

9. The line formation : forming straight, tight lines starting from the front completes the salah.
Being in the front line means being first to participate and being dedicated. Forming straight, tight lines should support the need for close organization.

10. An emam: following an emam is a requirement for performing congregational salah.
Following the emam’s movements in unison illustrates the value of leadership.

11. The intentions: being aware of the salah you intend to make and its requirements is necessary.
Having awareness of the salah is an indication that having a goal and knowing what is required to achieve that goal is important.

12. The takbeer: Allahu Akbar starts the salah.
The takbeer shows the need for having a signal to start an activity.

13. The positions of salah
A. Raising of hands: Raising of the hands represents surrender to an authority. In the salah it represents surrender to Allah.

B. Standing during the salah: Standing represents support. During the salah it represents standing up for what you believe.

C. Bowing: Bowing represents respect. Bowing during the salah represents respect for Allah.

D. Prostration: Prostrating represents total submission. Prostrating during the salah represents total submission to Allah.

E. Sitting: Sitting is a form of resting. Sitting during the salah provides physical rest.

14. Salaam out: The salaam brings the salah to an end. Just as there is a need of a formal way to start a gathering, there is a need of a formal way to bring a gathering to an end.

Salaam (Peace) Out

Views: 141

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on February 6, 2018 at 4:45pm


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