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The rule of liars By Imam Nadim Sulaiman Ali
“ The government you elect is the government you deserve.”
Thomas Jefferson

How to play Liar's Dice | Rules, Instructions and More

The recent conviction of former President Donald Trump demonstrates that the system, as it has been put in place,
worked in this instance. For the first time in American history a president(or accident) has been convicted of a
crime that is classified as a felony.

This does not mean that his predecessors were all law abiding citizens, they were not. Many of them engaged in
actions that could have landed them in jail. One of the most publicly known felonist presidents was Richard M.
Nixon. He was pardoned by President Gerald Ford for his complicity in the Watergate scandal.
Incidentally the father of Donald Trump, Fred Trump was a big supporter of Nixon. One of Trump's mentors was
Roy Cohn who became famous or infamous during the McCarthy era.

It's interesting that the so-called party of law and order has assailed the conviction on all counts as a tragedy of
justice. Is apparent that what we are witnessing is the privileged class which has been checked by the common
people attempting to assert their privilege in all circumstances.

This country is supposed to be a system of laws. This should be applicable to everyone. The founders of this
country with all of their defects wanted to put together a system, which was free of a monarchy. Sovereign
immunity is not applicable in this country, yet!

I mention these cast of characters to emphasize that this country has never been governed by the rule of law. It
would be more appropriate to say that it is based on the rule of liars.

Donald Trump continued to present that he is being victimized by the democratic party, and that the charges were
politically motivated. The political reality is that his behaviors were designed to minimize the impact that the
Access Hollywood tape would have had on his presidential campaign. Knowledge of his actions with Stormy
Daniels would most likely have caused him the election in 2016, and that is the political reality.

Once the verdict was decided the white nationalists and their minions engaged in a media blitz to attempt to
undermine the work of those 12 common people.

Speaker Of The House Mike Johnson said it was a “shameful day in American history” and the charges were “purely
- Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance said the verdict was a “disgrace to the judicial system.”
- Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise, the No. 2 House Republican, said that the decision was “a defeat for Americans
who believe in the critical legal tenet that justice is blind.”

When Maryland Republican Senate candidate Larry Hogan "urged all Americans to respect the verdict and the
legal process." Laura Trump Vice-Chair of the Republican Party stated:
“I think it’s ridiculous and I think anybody who’s not speaking up in the face of really something that should
never again have seen the light of day at trial, that would never have been brought against any other person
aside from Donald Trump, doesn’t deserve the respect of anyone.”

Help Me Understand…
This is what the “Party Of Lincoln” has descended to. They will do anything to win elections:

This is the party of “Law and Order” today's Republican Party. Attempting to subvert the laws of the land
instead of supporting a verdict based on the facts that were presented. They conflate the political and the
theatrical. Co-signing and enabling Donald Trump's behavior.

Blaming President Biden for the actions of a state prosecutor on the current president in an effort to create a
distraction from the real issue, Trump was convicted based on the presented facts.
None of the people deny that the crimes were committed; only that they should not have come to light. It
appears that the National Inquirer weren't the only ones engaging in “Catch and kill.”

The attempt to re-assert power by the super rich in this country has never ceased, and it is important that people of
conscience continue to struggle against people who desire to subjugate others, and voting is a key part of the

Some politicians are just tools of the ruling class, and some media outlets are complicit in shaping the narrative to
fit a fascist agenda.
Frederick Douglas famously said: “ "Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. If
there is no struggle, there is no progress."

Views: 43

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on June 3, 2024 at 2:04pm

Kofi Bilal Mahmud

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