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The Anglo-American-European-Zionist Bloc & Its Disregard For the Humanity of All Others...

The Anglo-American-European-Zionist Bloc


Its Disregard For the Humanity of All Others

Anti-Zionism as Antisemitism: How Anti-Zionist Language from the Left and Right Vilifies Jews | ADL

No one in their right mind would ever view the genocide committed by the nazis against the Jews during WWII as acceptable. Likewise, there is no justification for the killing of the 100’s of innocents that occurred on Oct. 7, 2023 nor in the tens of thousands committed as a reprisal in its aftermath. How ironic it is that, today in the year 2024, 75 years after the end of the war in europe, the world is witnessing a subsequent genocide being executed by the very people who declared “Never again!”. For the past 78 years, since the beginning of the ‘Nakba’, the zionist; with the aid of their enablers, sponsors and supporters; have been conducting a genocide against the people of Palestine. It is clearly indicative of an, obvious, demented, deranged, warped psyche on the part of those possessing diseased hearts. This entire tragedy is the result of this unholy cabal of deviants’ refusal to acknowledge and respect the humanity of the Palestinian people.

Driven by some sort of sinister narcissistic sense of entitlement and privilege they think it is reasonable to do to others whatever they deem appropriate; so long as it suits their purposes, serves to fulfill their aspirations and furthers their interests. However, such an outlook is totally devoid of decency, morality and respect.

In spite of their feigned display of concern and fake image of civility; their actions display the fact that they have no regard or respect for Muslims: be they Afrikan, Arab, Asian, Indo-Pak or of any other ethnicity or nationality. The policies they employ in their interactions with others depicts a disgraceful refusal to acknowledge the humanity of non-europeans. If they considered the humanity of the people of Gaza, Lebanon, the West Bank – and the entire gamut of Muslim populations throughout the world where they’ve spread their exploitation, mayhem and murder – they would never carry-out such blatant, egregious atrocities. There can be no other explanation as to why they carry-on as though these sorts of horrific ‘crimes against humanity’ are justified. 

Kwame Ture/Stokley Carmichael once said: “Zionism is the baby-child and infant protector of imperialism in the middle east. It carries out the interests of american imperialism.” Without a doubt, the zionist state of israel serves as a buffer outpost and destabilization element in the midst of the Muslim world for the anglo-american-european ‘political bloc’. If they aren’t careful, it may also prove to be one of the main causes leading to their demise.

This is not a blanket condemnation of Jewish people. All Jews are not zionists as all zionists claim to be Jews. The Book of Revelations' describes a group that will exist during ‘the end of times’ who will… “Say they are Jews, but they are only the ‘synagogue of satan”. It is apparent that this is exactly who the zionists are.

American politicians and government officials are in the habit of referring to israel’s ‘right to defend itself’ when responding to questions regarding their insistence to continue providing the weapons being used against the Palestinian people. The situation is way beyond a matter of self-defense. The carnage, mayhem and murder being imposed upon the residents of Gaza, the West Bank, the northern border and, now, Lebanon amounts to a sheer massacre. Supplying the armaments used to perpetuate this onslaught makes the u.s. a  partner in this ‘crime against humanity’. Repercussions of ill-actions and misdeeds put out into the ethers of the universe have a tendency to come back on the heads of those who initiate them. America should beware!

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Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص 13 hours ago

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