Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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"Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality."
Warren Bennis, American Scholar

We would like to share the on-going achievements of the 100 Influential Georgia Muslims as they continue their contributions and leadership.  We are highlighting recent accomplishments of Dr. Jamillah Karim, Mr. Amjad Taufique, Mr. Malek Jandali, and Ms. Maria Ebrahimji. 


The 100 Influential Georgia Muslims is an initiative of the Islamic Speakers Bureau of Atlanta. For more information, click here.

Dr. Jamillah Karim 
Discussion on Gender and Race in Islam in the United States
Dr. Jamillah Karim participated in a panel on faith and feminism at Georgetown University in Washington, DC. The article here follows an interview with her in regards to issues of gender and race relations in Islam. 
Dr. Jamillah Karim was recognized as a 100 Influential Georgia Muslim for her scholarly work. She is the author of numerous books, most recently "American Muslim Women: Negotiating Race, Class and Gender in the Ummah."
Mr. Amjad Taufique
Kennessaw Mosque Debate - PBS

Amjad Taufique advocated for the Kennessaw Mosque, Suffah Dawah Center, during their zoning decision with the Kennesaw Zoning Commission and in the city council meetings. He was interviewed on PBS and the video can be seen  here.
Mr. Amjad Taufique was recognized as an Influential Georgia Muslim for his work with many organizations in the community. He is involved in activities ranging from humanitarian causes to refugee rehabilitation, including serving on the board of the social service organization. SHARE. 
Mr. Malek Jandali
"Syrian Symphony" to be released at Carnegie Hall
Malek Jandali's latest composition, "Syrian Symphony" will be released next month at Carnegie Hall. He is featured here and will become the very first Arab musician to premier his own composition at the prestigious Carnegie Hall.  
Mr. Malek Jandali was recognized as a 100 Influential Georgia Muslim for being a world-renowned composer and pianist. He uses music to preserve and celebrate his Muslim identity. Since debuting in 1988, he has performed in concert halls worldwide.  
Ms. Maria Ebrahimji

Outstanding Georgia Citizen Award 

Maria Ebrahimji was awarded the Outstanding Georgia Citizen Award by Georgia Representative Pedro Marin. Recently, she moderated a political panel on Media and Multicultural involvement. 
Ms. Maria Ebrahimji was recognized as a 100 Influential Georgia Muslim for her work in the media. She is co-founder of I Speak for Myself, a book publishing platform delivering narratives on faith and culture. A journalist, strategist, and speaker, she earned degrees at Brenau University in Gainesville as well as Georgia State, and worked as a journalist and producer at CNN for 15 years.


The 100 Influential Georgia Muslims award honored men and women who have made an impact in their communities. This book contains photos and biographies of each of these outstanding leaders. Books cost $50 each, and an additional $7.50 for shipping and handling. Please click here to purchase. For questions or concerns, please email admin@100gamuslims.com. 


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