Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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Support Tayyibah Taylor Through Cancer Treatment And Recovery...

Fighting Cancer Together


A Healed and Healthy Tayyibah


Friends & Family of Tayyibah Taylor


Tayyibah Taylor


Support Tayyibah Taylor through Cancer Treatment & Recovery

Trailblazer. Entrepreneur. Leader. Interfaith Activist. Role Model. Writer. Mother. Teacher. Sister. Peace Advocate.

Life seemed its normal busy rush in April 2014 for Tayyibah Taylor. While writing drafts for her next presentation, arranging meetings, working on Azizah magazine and caring for her granddaughters, her industrious schedule was interrupted with a sharp pain in her side that just would not subside.

What started with a light flu became something much more serious. After a visit to the emergency room, a hospital admission and multiple tests, Ms. Taylor was diagnosed with Colon Cancer, as well as advanced-stage Neuro-Endocrine Tumors that have already metastasized to her liver. Neuro-endocrine Tumors (NETS) are sometimes referred to as the zebra of cancers, hence the striped ribbon for NETS Awareness.

The tragic news was overwhelming to her, her friends and family. With much still to live for, to share and bring to this world, Ms. Taylor is determined to face this challenge and embrace the path of healing with the help of Almighty Allah. Her friends and family are determined to help her through this.

Immediately, many friends came together to help and support Ms. Taylor and to ensure she receives proper treatment in this battle with cancer. Fortunately, she will be treated at the Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University located in Atlanta, Georgia, the institution that serves as the coordinating center for cancer research and comprehensive care throughout Emory University. Ms. Taylor is also consulting with a Naturopathic Doctor and she will be using traditional and alternative healing methods concurrently.

We request that you remember Ms. Taylor frequently in your private and congregational prayers. We firmly believe in the power of prayer and are convinced that sincere, faithful prayer changes things. Your prayers and thoughts of healing will be amazing sources of support during this challenging time.

If you wish to help defray costs, funds raised from this site will pay for Ms. Taylor's treatment and recovery expenses. Presently, it is estimated those out-of-pocket expenses will reach $300,000 for all treatments and surgeries. Contributions will go directly to the Tayyibah Taylor Treatment & Recovery Fund. Any amount you can contribute will help.

Thank You!


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