Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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Special Project Zakat U.S.A. For Dr. Amin Best

Please find enclose a special appeal letter from a long time friend, Muslim Brother, and Comrade in the work for Islam in America.  Zakat U.S.A. is acting in a fiduciary capacity for this special project. 


The beneficiary of this special project, Dr. Amin Best,  is also a long time friend and worker for Islam in U.S.A.  Dr. Amin Best is one of the pioneers of the Atlanta, Ga. Islamic community.  We make this special appeal that you open you hearts and your generous donations for this very important cause to help one of our brothers in this time of need.  

All contributions are tax deductible and a receipt will be forwarded for each contribution. 

Thank you in advance.

Your Brother in Islam,

Bilal Mahmud

Executive Director, Zakat U.S.A.

PS:  Our brother is working with a deadline of one month to procure the requested funds, in two week intervals.  May Allah help us help him. 

Thanks to your response, at 04:50 edst April 24, 2012, we are at 99% of our goal...we can do this!!

Assalamu 'Alaikum,

I hope you are doing well.  It is very rare that I write an appeal like this, but I am reaching out to practically everyone I know to help Dr. Amin Best.  In the late 1990's he gave a presentation about the idea of charter public schools, which was the first step in my personal journey with Amana Academy charter school.  I now lead this public school of 535 bright students in grades K-8.  Two months ago I reconnected with Amin Best and found him an elderly man suffering from cancer and needing financial support.  Please help me raise $5,000 for him.  I sincerely ask that you click on the following link and make a donation of any amount via Zakat U.S.A. , a reputable 501c3 non-profit humanitarian organization. CLICK HERE to make a donation via PayPal, or cut and paste the following URL and type "Amin Best" in the purpose field:

If you have any questions, please contact me.  Thank you for your generosity and helping someone you may not even know.
Ehab Jaleel


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Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on April 17, 2012 at 11:44am

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