Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless
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As my time in Libya winds down, I am rushing to see as much as I can. A national tour has been organized and
announced by ANSWER that will take me to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, New York City, and Atlanta (not necessarily in that order) in order to help me raise the funds to pay back the loan that brought the journalists and me down here. Despite the bombing, I have had people contact me saying that they, too, wanted to come and see firsthand for themselves,what is happening here. I would be happy to bring people here, provided they commit to help me raise the funding. Coming here and seeing for yourself is particularly important because everything that you think you know about Libya from the Western media is a lie. Once you arrive, you will learn. And then, what to do? We must confront our President with the truth. My experience has been that lies eventually wither in the face of the truth. So continuing these delegations is certainly something worth considering. We'll revisit this after we see how the fundraising tour goes.
Today, I'm sending a message that can be found at the San Francisco Bay View newspaper. Deborah Dupre compiled our DIGNITY Delegation missives into a very good newspaper article and the Bay View carried it. In addition, please find below, a link to a PressTV interview done by Don DeBar who has received all of our footage and put it online. Here's the link to Don's interview with PressTV:
Yesterday, our journalist from Cape Town South Africa was allowed to film in a place where the bodies are still underneath the rubble. Remember New York's Ground Zero? Hurricane Katrina? I did not attend with this member of our Delegation, but he told me that he had to kneel and cry, the scene was so powerful and moving. He owns a TV station in South Africa and after he gets the footage uploaded to his station, then he will share it with us and Don Debar will be able to post it at WBAIX.org. I will definitely let you know when we have received permission to post this material. I'm also hoping that before the tour, Don will be able to put a 10 minute video together that will only be unveiled at each of the tour stops.
Finally, the list of articles I must write keeps growing and I want to write them before I leave here. Here's hoping: 1. Mercenary story and the murder of Hisham; 2. How NATO treats the Libyans like Israel treats the Palestinians; 3. A backgrounder on the truth and lies about the beginning of this crisis; 4. Rape. In addition to these stories I want to also tell the story of (5) the many Judas kisses the Libyan people have received from trusted friends all around the world. I, too, know the sting of betrayal. I want to write about what Libyans have expressed to me about their friends letting them down.
Here is Don Debar's message with links and below it is the composite story from the San Francisco Bay View
newspaper--they need a Pulitzer or better yet, a people's award, for their contributions to the truth:
Don's message:
f you like this article please consider donating to : Oppressed Peoples Online WordIt's been a week since we first started passing on the information coming to us from on the ground in Tripoli, and you can see that the truth is quite a bit different from the picture being painted by US media, including by such "progressive" outlets as Democracy Now and post-coup Pacifica Radio. There are still remaining, however, some free spaces within Pacifica where the word has been getting out - more on that within.Some of the Dignity delegation has returned to the US - our first two pieces today are interviews conducted here in the US after their return.First is an interview done yesterday with Dignity delegation member Dedon Kamathi, a producer for Pacifica Radio's KPFK-FM in Los Angeles. That interview, by Askia Muhammad, aired on Pacifica's Washington, DC station WPFW-FM yesterday. You can hear it at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REd_YtUfrioNext is a piece written by Dignity delegation member Wayne Madsen, a Washington, DC journalist who specializes in intelligence matter. That piece, entitled "NATO's 'Alternate Universe' in Libya" begins as follows:"The Pentagon and its NATO partners are engaged in one of the most obvious and intensive propaganda ploys in their military operations against Libya since the days leading up to the "Coalition of the Willing" attack on Iraq." The entire piece can be found at http://www.mathaba.net/news/?x=627079I was interviewed by PressTV this past Thursday about the War on Libya, including the attempt by the US to present it as a NATO, and not American, enterprise, as well as how the cost of the US wars are impacting the US economic crisis - that interview can be found at http://www.presstv.ir/usdetail/183967.htmlI am waiting for some further information about some rather graphic video I received yesterday from Tripoli; when I receive it, I will forward a link and description of same.
O.P.O.W. Email: oppressedpeoplesonlineword@gmail.com
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