Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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By Mufti Ismail Musa Menk

Giving preference to your friends over your wife is oppression.
Screaming and yelling at your wife is oppression.
Coming home late each night or coming to bed late each night without a valid excuse is oppression.
Wasting time on the internet or phone, television or games whilst your wife is waiting for you is oppression.
Not spending reasonable time with your wife is oppression.
Not commending her upon her goodness, sacrifice and achievements whilst only harping on her weaknesses is oppression. Be fair!
Not correcting her in the most loving manner and going around publicizing her errors or wrongdoings is oppression.
Not providing at least the basic food, clothing,  shelter and other basic needs for her is oppression.
Not appreciating that she is someone's daughter or sister and treating her like a slave is oppression.
Allowing your mother or family members to disrespect or maltreat your wife is oppression.
Allowing others to invade her privacy is oppression.
Not giving her the rest that she deserves post child birth is oppression.
Swearing and cursing your wife is oppression.
Making false promises to your wife is oppression.

These are just some ways that men oppress their wives.

Shame upon those men who oppress their wives.

Are you one of them?

Well, change your ways, apologize and repent before the Almighty overtakes you with His Wrath.

Remember the Holy prophet Muhammed (pbuh) says, "The best of you are those best to their wives."

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