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Sheikh Khalil Abdur Rashid: Islamic Seminary Of America...



It is with great pleasure that we announce the grand opening of the Islamic Seminary of America. The Seminary is dedicated to producing authentic knowledge about the Islamic Civilization and translating it into the American context in an effort to cultivate and articulate an American Islamic identity.

The American Muslim community is faced with daunting challenges as it pertains to its image and legacy in the face of the ongoing threats of foreign extremists from within the Muslim community disparaging Islam. Additionally, homegrown Islamophobic rhetoric perpetuates hate and threatens the safety of the community. This damage causes doubt, fear, and loss of hope in Islam. The seminary will counter extremist ideology by teaching the difference between culture, religion, and ideology and critiquing it. The seminary with all its resources will transmit authentic Islamic knowledge correlated with the American context in order to repair and prevent further damage by ignorance and extremism.

No accredited Islamic educational body that offers graduate level education to Muslim clergy members, activists, chaplains, leaders of non-for profit and educational centers exists today. No accredited Islamic education body educates Muslim leaders in the Islamic tradition as well as from an interdisciplinary approach, from a mainstream American and traditional Islamic perspective, thereby equipping them with the skills necessary to bridge the gap between the Islamic texts and American contexts. The abstract goal of this project of knowledge production, is aimed at cultivating certainty (Yaqeen) in the minds and hearts of all members of the American society. It is an institution where Muslims and non-Muslims may learn about Islam; theory and practice.

The Islamic Seminary of America is a graduate level Islamic educational institution that offers courses in Islamic Studies, Arabic, and various other topics. It offers certificate programs in basic Islamic Studies, ESL, Community Organizing and Activism, and Arabic. It will also offer a Master of Theology and a Master of Divinity in Islamic Studies. It will seek accreditation for both degrees. These certificate and degree programs will train and educate cohorts of students in the Islamic tradition, using an interdisciplinary approach, fit for the American context.

The seminary will counter this by taking the lead in knowledge production about Islam and transforming the perception of Islam; from an instrument of fear to an instrument of hope. Please join us at the inaugural open house on Saturday August 27th from 6:30pm - 8:30pm at 17740 Preston Rd., Dallas, TX 75252. RSVP HERE

Thank you and God bless.

Khalil Abdur-Rashid
President and Dean
Islamic Seminary of America

Please direct all press and media inquiries to Ndaa Hassan at ndaa@linkmarketingstudio.com

Pictures Of Grand Opening Of The Islamic Seminary Of America

Islamic Seminary of America Grand Opening
Sheikh Khalil Abdur Rashid

Click link below for more pictures: 
Bilal Mahmud

Views: 472

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on August 27, 2016 at 12:48am

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Islamic Seminary Of America Grand Opening Islamic Seminary of ...

1 min ago - Islamic Seminary Of America Grand Opening Islamic Seminary of America Grand Opening

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on August 27, 2016 at 7:23am
Yaqeen Islamic Seminary of America's video.
1 min ·

Arise, learn and guide as we reclaim our tradition, and tell our own story. The Yaqeen Islamic Seminary of America is dedicated to producing authentic knowledge...

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Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on August 27, 2016 at 7:26am

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