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Save Africa...Ethnic Cleansing Of Muslim In Central African Republic

The grand Imam  Oumar Layama and the Catholic Archbishop, Nzapalainga both have worked together to calm down fears in each community. The grand Imam Oumar Layama has stated it is “not a religious war. It is a political conflict.” The grand mufti of CAR, however, also criticized Muslim allies of Séléka rebels of committing atrocities aimed at the allies of the former military leaders. 

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Demographics of the Conflict in the CAR? The numbers vary widely: Muslims claim to be 25% of the population. About 35% are considered to have animistic beliefs. Christians claim to be 25%-Protestant & 25%-Catholic. The CIA fact book says that animistic belief and practices strongly influence the Christians.

The CAR’s army is almost all Christians and has run the country through military dictatorship for the last 10 years. Muslims are mostly in trade and farming. 

Brief Background of Conflict and Timeline:

  • From 1889-1960 France occupied the area and promoted Christianity as a colonial power through missionaries.
  • There is no history of major conflict between animists, Muslims, and Christians.
  • The first break in this peaceful co-existence came when the country was subjected to the atrocities of the Lord's Resistance Army, a Christian fundamentalist group – a sort of Christian Taliban.
  • Then, for ten years, General Francois Bozize, leader of an all Christian army, ran the country while getting himself elected as president.
  • His abuse of power, delaying elections, and corruption lead to general unrest which gave rise to an alliance called the Séléka rebels.
  • Tribes not aligned with this military regime, especially Muslims, were subject to institutionalized discrimination and violence.  Many joined the Séléka rebels, forcing the government out in March 2013. They kept the old Prime Minister, but installed a new president who happened to be a Muslim.
  • Supporters of the fallen regime refused to accept the new government and organized around “anti-balaka” militias, stoking hatred against Muslims.
  • The CAR’s most prominent imam, Oumar Layama has stated that “It’s not a religious war.  It is a political conflict.” He did not hesitate to denounce the tyranny of both the former Christian regime and the Séléka rebels.
  • Imam Layama and the Catholic Archbishop, Nzapalainga, both have worked together to spread a message of inter-faith harmony and calm tensions, but the conflict continues. 
  • In December 2013, France sent 1,600 soldiers to the CAR. They disarmed the Séléka rebels but not the Christian militias.
  • In January 2014, the CAR government resigned at French demand and a Christian president was installed.
  • French forces are accused of protecting France’s nuclear energy interests while doing little to stop the continuing ethnic cleansing of Muslims by Christian militias.

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Never Happened in 50 Years: 
Muslims Wiped Out in 3 Weeks!

It has never happened in the last 50 years anywhere in the world.

Almost all Muslims of one country are wiped out in a matter of three weeks.

And French has done it.

The country is Central African Republic.

Last week, I spoke to the Imam who refused to leave Bangui. He says he would rather be killed than leave. He is just among 900 Muslims who are living in one of the only surviving Masjids out of 77 in the city.

He told me this:

French come in a Muslim neighborhood and take away all knives etc.
As soon as they leave, Christian militia comes in and kills off Muslim men, taking away women, children, and cattle, looting shops, and burning homes.

We sent a two-person team to the refugee camps, who came back with testimonies stating exactly the same thing: French did that.

They cleansed all Muslims of Central African Republic!

Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and the United Nations say that the ethnic cleansing of Muslims is taking place.

Archbishop Desmond Tutu says that it is at the verge of genocide.

Friends, genocide is almost done.

A people are completely wiped out.

A total solution has already taken place.

Right in front of our eyes while every one ignored it.

I have written to all major Muslim leaders of America. Only two responded with no help.

What Muslims in the Muslim World Must Do

  • Get your media to report on the genocide of Muslims in Africa
    • Email us if you need reports
  • Take a delegation and meet the French ambassador. (Refuse to meet anyone less than an ambassador)
    • Demand that they must be neutral in peacemaking or get out of Africa
    • Tell them that they must change their Islamophobic policies inside France and in Africa
  • Protest French embassies around the world
  • Ask your government to appoint an OIC judicial team to provide finding on the French role in genocide of Muslims in Africa

What Muslims in the USA, Canada, & UK Must Do 

  • Inform our masjids about the genocide of Muslims in Central African Republic
  • Include Central African Republic in your Dua
  • Spread awareness about CAR genocide on Facebook and Twitter
  • Write to the French Ambassador in protest
  • Demonstrate in front of French Embassy

Please Volunteer to Translate News if you know French & English...

What Christians in North America Must Do:

  • Christians must condemn Christian extremists as Muslims do
  • Condemn Lord’s army as Muslims condemn Taliban
  • Investigate the role of Christian missionaries.

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Views: 146

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on April 29, 2014 at 11:49am

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Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on April 29, 2014 at 11:50am


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