The fourth annual International Purple Hijab Day will be celebrated by many around the world on Saturday, February 16,

Thousands of Muslims and others will go and pray together around the globe for peace in the home.
2013. Thousands are expected to go pray in mosque/masaajid, churches, temples, halls and in homes thoughout the world. The goal of this event is to bring more attention to the issue of domestic abuse and to encourage more grassroot activism. This year leaders of Muslim and Christian Men Against Domestic Violence-East Africa and the Baitul Salaam Network, Inc. in Ghana are asking people to wear purple and go pray in their respective places of worship throughout the world.
In the US many programs and activities are being planned and many will have an interfaith theme. The goal is to get everyone involved. "The more grassroot activism the better, " says Hadayai Majeed one of the co-founders and present administrator of the Baitul Salaam Network, Inc.-International headquartered in Stone Mountain, Georgia. This group operates an outreach center that serves emergency grocery items to those in need, provides counseling for survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault, money for utility payments and emergency housing.
The event began as a respose to the 2009 murder (beheading) of Assiya Hassan co-founder of Bridges TV in Orchid Park, New York. The murder of this prominent highly educated woman in the US by her husband was a wake-up call to many who had been in denial in the Islamic and broader community about the prevelance of domestic abuse.

The Baitul Salaam organization has a PowerPoint presentation titled, "Finding Peace in the American Muslim Family." It is available to anyone who wants via request by email to You can find out more about Baitul Salaam by visiting
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