Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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Risala Fundraiser....Atlanta, Ga.

Risala Fundraiser
MC for the event was Brother Mansour Ansari

Quran recitation with Surah Al-Layl

Brother Mansour spoke about the enrollment and how Risala began with a small enrollment and has increased.  He also spoke about how the room was filled with good hearted people moving in the same direction for the same cause.  He mentioned the community members present who are supporting the event. 

A young convert spoke briefly about his conversion to Islam and that he was very happy to be a Muslim.


Ustadha Zaynab started with peace and blessings upon the Prophet and praise of Allah.  She spoke to her own

personal situation with her son in public schools and how she felt that there is an element missing from the education system.Islamic schooling can provide clarity because it is a nurturing environment.  She spoke about the need to support local educational institutions.


Brother Khalil Abdur Rashid spoke about raising the bar on how we deal with one another in the community

Waqf, which is an Islamic tradition of endowments for students who want Islamic education.  He spoke to his own experiences in Turkey using a Waqf for his education.  He was given full support for his education for 31/2 years.  This endowment was established 500 years ago by a woman.  Waqf, or charitable institutions connect earthly and heavenly future.  He mentioned that Muslim parents should not have to worry about the cost of educating their children in Islamic schools. 


Ustadh Muhammad Mendes spoke about providing free or affordable education, which is the goal of Risla.  Risala was

 founded in 2006.  Risala is a place to learn that is free of the politics of the masjid.  He spoke about the goals of Risala.  Self-sufficiency is a goal as well as showing loving kindness to humanity. 
Current programs and services being offered include:  full-time Islamic school, Sunday adult edcuation, Arabic language, construction mentoring and poetry events. Upcoming programs include: Arabic language, daycare, online courses, jummah prayer and five daily salah. 

Imam Siraj Wahaj was not feeling well.  He spoke about how the gift of Islam is free for all humanity and that it is the

 greatest gift.  People made pledges and several thousands of dollars was raised for Risala, al Hamdulillah. 

A delicious dinner was provided by Zyka restaurant. 


Prayer at the fundraiser dinner




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