Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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During this first week of Ramadan The Islamic Social Services Association-USA asks Imams and community

ISSA-USA Ramadan Iftar is Sat August 14, 2010, 5:30 pm at the Muslim Youth Center of Arizona http://issaiftar.eventbrite.com
Sister Aneesah Nadir, MSW, PhD

Leaders across the country to promote activities in support of National Muslim Marriage Week. As we begin Ramadan encourage married community members to strengthen their relationship with Allah and their relationship with each other. Encourage community members to put into action the sakinah, mercy, compassion and love that Allah swt enjoins on married people.

Please take the opportunity this week to speak about the ultimate purpose of marriage in Islam- to help each other get to Jenna.

Please remind the community that spouses are garments for one another and to build the kind of relationship He swt enjoins on us in Surah Rum, one that is loving, compassionate, full of mercy and sakinah/tranquility

During taraweeh and jumah remind the community to exemplify the character of our Prophet Muhammad saws in their relationship with one another. He was loving, kind, patient, a team player. He never struck anyone including his wives. He also played with his wives and valued their opinions.

Encourage community members who are impatient to work on their patience this month so that they are more patient with their spouse and their children.
Encourage community members who are not so kind to their spouses and family to be kinder and more compassionate.
Encourage community members to develop a marriage, family and home life filled with sakinah/tranquility.

Encourage single and married community members to study the seerah of our Prophet saws so that will better prepared themselves for a healthy, happy, sakinah filled marital life.

ISSA-USA challenges each of us to take one characteristic, one behavior and make a change for the better so that our marriages and families will be better for it by the end of Ramadan!

We have 29-30 days to make a change for the better!

Join ISSA for a Ramadan Iftar on Sat August 14, 2010 5:30pm at the Muslim Youth Center of Arizona, 7810 S. 42nd Pl, Phoenix, AZ 85042. The theme is "Keys to a Successful Marriage". Get your tickets at http://issaiftar.eventbrite.com $8.00 per person. For info 480 233 6547

More about National Muslim Marriage Week at www.issausa.org or www.soundvision.com

Also see Marriage Today e newsletter at www.soundvision.com

Ramadan Mubarak!

Aneesah Nadir, MSW, PhD
Islamic Social Services Association-USA
Sakinah Healthy Marriage Initiative
480 233 6547
"Celebrating Diversity, Healthy Families and Social Justice "
"...and one of His Signs is that He created mates for you from yourselves that you might find sakinah (tranquility) in them, and He put between you love and mercy...."(30:21)
"and We created you in nations and tribes so that you may know one another..." (49:13)

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