Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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In every society one of it's most valuable  assets is it's youth.  The development of this most valuable commodity is the
Clarkston Community Health Center

                                    Clarkston Community Health Center

Click link for slideshow:  http://bilalmahmud.zenfolio.com/p327298129/slideshow#h9452d159

lifeline of the future existence of that society.  Over the past 50 years the concentration in the Islamic community has been the development of institutions ie Masaajid and Schools.  The time has come that we start to turn our attention to the development of an infrastructure that will sustain our future existence.  It is not to our advantage to train, and educate a generation, and allow them to become the goyim   of someone else's society.  It is criminal that we train doctors, lawyer, engineers, carpenters, plumbers etc, and then turn them over to the dominant society, that much of the time does not have the best interest of our community at heart.  Much of the time these talented young Muslim are forced to sell their talents to Babylon because we have not established the necessary infrastructure to sustain them and their families.  
At the Ibrahim ONour Charitable Foundation, we are constantly looking  for innovative ways to enhance the growth, and development of the community by partnering with other organizations to sponsor projects with it's future development in mind.  One such project is the sponsorship of talented individuals in the community with the understanding that they will give back to the building of the infrastructure of our community, rather than outsourcing their talents to the dominant society.  
 Clarkston Community Medical Center

Clarkston Community Medical Center...Sister Ahlam Hussein

To this end we have identified one of our promising youth, who is in her Senior year at Clayton State University.  Her concentration presently is Health Care Management, and in the future we hope that she will continue on to Medical School, with a concentration on pediatrics,  and ultimately be employed in one of our community projects that will use her talents, and at the same time allow her to meet her financial needs.  We are working with the Clarkston Clinic to achieve this end...upon graduation our Sister Ahlam Hussein will commit to working with the clinic to make this dream a reality.
Clarkston Community Health Center

Clarkston Community Health Center (left) Brother Sadik  Mohamed Aden 

We were also able to give a partial scholarship to one of our promising young brothers, brother Sadik Mohamed Aden.  Brother Sadik is presently enrolled in the Business Administration program at Georgia State University.  We pray that Allah will help and protect him , and enable him to complete his studies and became greater asset to the Clarkston Muslim community.  
We pray that Allah will bless this effort and allow us to achieve our goal, one step at a time... 

Views: 141

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on August 27, 2017 at 9:55pm
Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on August 27, 2017 at 10:42pm


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