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OPOW: ISNA , MANA Denounces The Terrorist Attack In Peshawar 03/06/22

ISNA Denounces Terrorist Attack in Peshawar
March 6, 2022
Plainfield, Indiana
The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) denounces in the strongest of terms the recent act of terror on a Shia mosque in Peshawar, Pakistan. The attack took place on Friday when worshippers were congregated for the jummah prayer, and it took the lives of at least 61 and injured countless others. This callous and evil act of terror was claimed by the criminal organization ISIS, a group with a long history of terrorizing civilians.
ISNA Executive Director, Basharat Saleem, said, "We condemn this sectarian divide and senseless attack in the strongest of terms." We at ISNA pray for the innocent lives that were lost. May Allah welcome them into His garden with love and mercy, and may He give comfort to the families who lost their loved ones. We also hope that the perpetrators are swiftly apprehended and that justice is served for their villainy. None should live in fear because of their religious beliefs and practices. 
Let us also take this time to send our love and prayers to our Shiite brothers and sisters who are hurting and in need of our support. May Allah protect them, elevate our faith in Him, and strengthen our efforts at repelling evil in this world.

Views: 78

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on March 6, 2022 at 4:04am

Security officials at the site of an attack on a Shiite mosque on Friday in Peshawar, Pakistan.

Ismail Khan and 

Published March 4, 2022Updated March 5, 2022

PESHAWAR, Pakistan — A bomb tore through a Shiite mosque in Peshawar, in northwestern Pakistan, on Friday, killing at least 57 people and wounding more than 100 in one of the worst terrorist attacks in Pakistan in several years.

The Islamic State’s regional affiliate, Islamic State Khorasan, or ISIS-K, claimed responsibility, according to a translation of an ISIS statement by the SITE Intelligence Group. The statement said the bombing was carried out by an Afghan suicide bomber.

The Islamic State, a Sunni Muslim terrorist group that considers Shiites heretics, has claimed several previous attacks in Pakistan but the mosque bombing was the biggest and deadliest yet.

Full article:  ISIS Claims Bombing of Pakistani Mosque, Killing Dozens - The New Y...

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on March 9, 2022 at 1:21am

https://mcusercontent.com/94f3bc1323cceec5abcc0b268/images/c7d50702..." width="564" class="m_-4102158684582093122mcnImage CToWUd a6T"/>

MANA Bombing Statement

The Muslim Alliance in North America (MANA) joins other concerned parties in condemning the barbaric terror attack on the mosque in Peshawar, Pakistan (March 4, 2022). This act, claimed by the terror organization, ISIS, illustrates the depths of depravity humans can sink to when they abandon time-honored religious teachings and traditions in favor of a violent, nihilistic ideology. Islam categorically prohibits the excommunication of other Muslims, murder, suicide, targeting civilians and the desecration of holy spaces. The callous transgression of these prohibitions is part of the ideological cocktail underlying this despicable act. 


In that the Shiite community was specifically targeted by murderers claiming to be Sunni Muslims, it is incumbent upon all Muslims to affirm the unity and solidarity of our ranks. We are a single community and an attack on one branch of the community is an attack on us all. We extend our condolences and prayers to the families of the deceased, pray for the swift recovery of the wounded, and appeal for the rapid apprehension of the criminals responsible for this ghastly act. We further affirm our commitment to the unity of the Muslim community by extending a hand of respect, solidarity and cooperation to our Shiite brothers and sisters.  


https://mcusercontent.com/94f3bc1323cceec5abcc0b268/images/32f17f74..." width="112" class="CToWUd"/>
Imam Zaid Shakir
President, Muslim Alliance in North America (MANA)
March 8. 2022


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