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OPOW: CAIR Offers Condolences on Passing of Muslim Activist, Comrade Issa Smith... ..إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون، أولئك عليهم صلوات من ربهم ورحمة وأولئك هم المهتدون

(WASHINGTON D.C., 5/23/23) – The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil

CAIR Offers Condolences on Passing of Muslim Activist Issa Smith

rights and advocacy organization, today offered its condolences on the passing of Muslim activist Issa Smith.  

Issa advocated for human rights worldwide through leadership and activism in organizations such as the Bosnia Task Force, Americans for Soviet Muslim Rights and the American Muslim Council. He also advocated for Imam Jamil Al Amin, as well as African-American and Native American causes.  

In a statement, CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad said: 

“To God we belong and to Him we return. Br. Issa was a pioneer of activism in the American Muslim community and will be fondly remembered for his humor, his hard work and his defense of human rights in this nation and worldwide. We ask God to grant his loved ones patience in this difficult time and to admit Br. Issa to the highest level of Paradise.” 

Awad noted that his funeral prayer will be offered today (Tuesday, May 23) after Duhur prayer (1:30) at ADAMS Sterling (46903 Sugarland Road Sterling, Virginia 20164). 

CAIR’s mission is to protect civil rights, enhance understanding of Islam, promote justice, and empower American Muslims.       

No photo description available.         

La misión de CAIR es proteger las libertades civiles, mejorar la comprensión del Islam, promover la justicia, y empoderar a los musulmanes en los Estados Unidos.               

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If you would like to join CAIR’s media list, please sign up here: https://action.cair.com/a/newsletters — For more information, email: info@cair.com, CC ihooper@cair.com     

Views: 59

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on June 18, 2023 at 7:05am
A beautiful Tribute to Amir Issa Smith:
Homepage - Justice For All
Assalaamu Alaikum Dear Believers
It is with great sadness and heavy heart we announce the passing of Br. Mark "Issa" David Smith, our dear brother, friend and colleague, who I had the honor to know and work closely with on the Bosnian struggle in the early 1990s (and before this in other justice work)
May be an image of 1 person and text
He is survived by his wife Khadija, his siblings Craig, Scott, and Lisa, and his children Tazkiya, Tauhid, and Taslim as well as his grandchildren, Myiesha, Mujahid, Zayna Lyn, Majeed, Layton, Emmeline, and Amira. He was a member of the ADAMS community since 1987, his involvement included serving as an Amir and khateeb in the community as well as a Sunday School teacher. He was a long time community activist and organizer and a Pillar of the Muslim community in the DMV area. Brother Issa advocated for and provided assistance to Muslims in need all over the world through organizations like Bosnia Task Force, Americans for Soviet Muslim Rights, (where in 1983 he wrote about the case of the imprisonment of Bosnian Muslim leaders in then Communist Yugoslavia including the first mention to my knowledge of Ali Izerbegovic (RH) and Mladi Muslimani -,Young Muslims -Islamic movement in Bosnia. Ali Izerbegovic would become the President of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1990 and the founding father of the the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1992) and American Muslim press and American Muslim Council.
His career also included years as a geospatial analyst in GIS. Issa was a prominent advocate for helping refugees of Bosnia and Kosovo, a DC coordinator of Bosnia Task Force which later became Justice For All (www.justiceforall.org) and he spent many years in support of Imam Jamil Al Amin and was a member of leadership of the National Community of Imam Jamil Al- Amin. He was a strong supporter of African-American and Native American causes as well.
We ask Allah (SWT) to accept all his efforts and hard work, May Allah forgive and have Mercy upon Br. Issa and admit him into Jenna firdaus among the Nabiyyin, wa Sidiqin, wa Shuhada wa Saliheen (Prophets, Truthful, Martyrs and the Righteous,,) and grant rahma and sabr (Mercy and patience) to his surviving family members during this difficult time AMEEN!
Please share with others in your network and post on your social media
Wasalam u alaikum
Your brother
Imam Saffet Catovic Director of United Nations Operations for Justice For All
Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on June 18, 2023 at 7:05am

Kofi Bilal Mahmud

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