Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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OPOW: Breaking News: CAIR Wins Lawsuit Against "Terror Watchlist!"

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All praise and thanks belong to God, the Lord of the Worlds,
May peace and prayers be upon Prophet Muhammad and his family

Asalaamu Alaykum Friends & Supporters,

Earlier tonight, we received great news from our national office in Washington, DC. Alhamdulillah, CAIR just won its lawsuit against the federal government's unconstitutional "terror watchlist."

Over the past twenty years, the FBI has secretly placed one million people--including many American Muslims--on the watchlist without reason, notice, or recourse. In doing so, the government has subjected innocent people to harassment, discrimination, and travel restrictions. Even children are on the list.

As CAIR also discovered when deposing federal officials as part of its hist..., the government secretly distributed the watchlist to private businesses and foreign governments. This has resulted in bank account closures, missed job opportunities, and harassment by foreign agencies.

For these and other reasons, a federal judge today ruled in CAIR National's favor: the government's watchlist program violates the rights of American citizens, and is unconstitutional!

CAIR National plans to share more details about the ruling during a press conference in Washington on Thursday, Sep. 5th at 11 am, insha Allah (God willing). Watch it live on CAIR's Facebook page. And let us know if you or your family has been impacted by the watchlist.

With thanks,

Edward Ahmed Mitchell
Executive Director
Council on American-Islamic Relations
Georgia Chapter

Link For News Conference:  https://www.facebook.com/CAIRNational/videos/2304368753149411/UzpfS...

Views: 78

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on September 5, 2019 at 6:14am

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