Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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Linda Sarsour, left, a chairwoman of the Women’s March, with protesters at the Hart Senate Office Building as Christine Blasey Ford testified Thursday before the Senate Judiciary Committee. The third Women’s March will be on Jan. 19, 2019.CreditCreditT.J. Kirkpatrick for The New York Times

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Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on September 30, 2018 at 4:06am

After the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh advanced on Friday to a vote by the full Senate, organizers of the Women’s March said messages came pouring in.

The confirmation proceedings, particularly the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford, who accused Judge Kavanaugh of sexual assault decades ago, rallied women who themselves had been sexually assaulted or harassed.

Even as the Senate waits for a renewed F.B.I. background check before a final vote on Judge Kavanaugh, who has denied the accusations, many saw the support for him as an endorsement of a culture that fosters and allows sexual misconduct.

People were “enraged,” Linda Sarsour, a chairwoman of the Women’s March, said on Saturday.

“Our email inboxes were full: ‘Women’s March, where are you? When are we marching? Tell us when? Tell us where?’” she said.

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on September 30, 2018 at 4:11am

The Proclamation

“No one will speak for us but ourselves.”

This is the full text of the African American Women in Defense of Ourselves proclamation as it appeared in eight major newspapers in 1991:

African American Women in Defense of Ourselves

As women of African descent, we are deeply troubled by the recent nomination, confirmation and seating of Clarence Thomas as an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. We know that the presence of Clarence Thomas on the Court will be continually used to divert attention from historic struggles for social justice through suggestions that the presence of a Black man on the Supreme Court constitutes an assurance that the rights of African Americans will be protected. Clarence Thomas’ public record is ample evidence this will not be true. Further, the consolidation of a conservative majority on the Supreme Court seriously endangers the rights of all women, poor and working class people and the elderly. The seating of Clarence Thomas is an affront not only to African American women and men, but to all people concerned with social justice.

We are particularly outraged by the racist and sexist treatment of Professor Anita Hill, an African American woman who was maligned and castigated for daring to speak publicly of her own experience of sexual abuse. The malicious defamation of Professor Hill insulted all women of African descent and sent a dangerous message to any woman who might contemplate a sexual harassment complaint.

We speak here because we recognize that the media are now portraying the Black community as prepared to tolerate both the dismantling of affirmative action and the evil of sexual harassment in order to have any Black man on the Supreme Court. We want to make clear that the media have ignored or distorted many African American voices. We will not be silenced.

Many have erroneously portrayed the allegations against Clarence Thomas as an issue of either gender or race. As women of African descent, we understand sexual harassment as both.  We further understand that Clarence Thomas outrageously manipulated the legacy of lynching in order to shelter himself from Anita Hill’s allegations.  To deflect attention away from the reality of sexual abuse in African American women’s lives, he trivialized and misrepresented this painful part of African American people’s history. This country which has a long legacy of racism and sexism, has never taken the sexual abuse of Black women seriously. Throughout U.S. history Black women have been sexually stereotyped as immoral, insatiable, perverse; the initiators in all sexual contacts – abusive or otherwise. The common assumption in legal proceedings as well as in the larger society has been that Black women cannot be raped or otherwise sexually abused. As Anita Hill’s experience demonstrates, Black women who speak of these matters are not likely to be believed.

In 1991, we cannot tolerate this type of dismissal of any one Black woman’s experience or this attack upon our collective character without protest, outrage, and resistance.

As women of African descent, we express our vehement opposition to the policies represented by the placement of Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court. The Bush administration, have obstructed the passage of civil rights legislation, impeded the extension of unemployment compensation, cut student aid and dismantled social welfare programs, has continually demonstrated that it is not operating in our best interests. Nor is this appointee. We pledge ourselves to continue to speak out in defense of one another, in defense of the African American community and against those who are hostile to social justice no matter what color they are. No one will speak for us but ourselves.

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on September 30, 2018 at 4:45am

OPOW Slideshow, Click Link To See:  OPOW Picture Gallery:  http://oppressedpeoplesonlineword.ning.com/photo/photo/slideshow

More Photos:  Arab American Institute 2018 Summit Atlanta, Ga.


Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on September 30, 2018 at 4:55am
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Linda Sarsour

Our outrage at this Administration and the elected officials complicit in their agenda will be translated in to power and votes at the polls. November is COMING. America and Uzo are ready. Are you?

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on September 30, 2018 at 4:56am


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