Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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National Association Of Muslim American Women

National Association of Muslim American Women



Press Release

NAMAW Supports Egyptian People  

and the Egyptian Revolution

Calls for end to Mubarak Regime and rejects transfer of presidential power to the torturer Omar Suleiman

National Association of Muslim American Women calls for international Muslim support and activism in solidarity with Egyptian people. Demands end to the 30 year Mubarak Regime.

Washington DC, February 11, 2011


The National Association of Muslim American Women (NAMAW) supports the people of Egypt ad their revolution. We call upon Muslims throughout the world to voice and to demonstrate in solidarity with the Egyptian people.


Today, Muslims everywhere are proud and happy to say that two great peoples, in predominately Muslim countries, Egypt and Tunisia have demanded and won their freedom.


Throughout the days of revolution, the martyrs have given their lives and shed blood in the streets, making the ultimate sacrifice for freedom and it shall be realized, insha Allah.


The Egyptian military must know, that the Egyptian people are not standing alone and that millions of Muslims and people of conscience throughout the Muslim world are standing with them. Any attack or harm to the Egyptian people, is an attack that will harm Muslims and people of conscience throughout the Muslim world.


We add our voices to the voices of the Egyptian people, demanding an end to the Mubarak regime, which includes the entire military regime, and call for a completely civilian government. We reject the attempt to transfer Presidential powers to the torturer Omar Suleiman, and ask the Egyptian people to continue to reject this transfer as Mubarak's last  attempt to reclaim what has already been lost, referring to the de-legitimization of the regime through a popular revolution. Anyone who will engage in dialogue, or negotiation with Suleiman should be considered an enemy of the revolution.


We offer our prayers today, on Jum'a on behalf of the Egyptian people, praying for their victory, assured that God hears the prayers of the people, and the cries for freedom and justice that are echoing throughout the Muslim/Arab world.



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